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Thread: Washing Car and Servicing

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Townsville Qld
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    Question Washing Car and Servicing

    Does anyone else get their car washed before taking it for service ????

    or just me......

    I feel that if VW see I look after my car, hopefully they will too.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    belgrave victoria
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    I don;t ever take my new cars to the stealership your car is just put into the pool and the next mechanic in the q gets it could be a 15 year professional or the 4th year apprentice pot luck who you get

    I take mine to my specialist vw mechanic who i can talk to instead of the service desk and get good service and while the service is about the same due to oil/filter (Tho i get a better quality oil than the dealership use) costs ect for other items its much cheaper and i get to build a relationship with him
    I can ring him and say hey its me with the red alltrack i have a issue ect and he knows who it is and the car right off the bat no looking for records or service history to me thats worth it

    For example my dad has a 9 year old merc the dealership quoted him $356 for a windscreen washer motor i found exactly the same one on ebay for $14.97 and took 5 min to fit

    Dealers make most of the profit in the sevice centre over 60% of the profit comes from people whom just blindly take the car and cop the wack at bill time

    Yes i do wash my car before a service tho
    Last edited by Kachingg; 02-03-2018 at 09:17 PM.
    2017 Golf Alltrack 135tdi All options
    19 inch Brescia Wheels Golf R brakes front and rear
    Calipers painted Candy apple gold
    New rear sway bar and linkages

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Newcomb, Victoria
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    I don't think about washing the car or not, but I make sure that the dealership doesn't wash/touch the paint work at all. So many cars I've seen go into the dealership and come out with a billion swirl marks...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    As well as washing a car before servicing I would take photos as it is amazing the bull**** stories they come up with if you find a mark afterwards , as Kachingg says avoid dealers like the plague . Our last new VW only went there for it's first service and replacement of a faulty seat belt . That experience was enough to put me off them for life almost {insert here any thing else in warranty } I found a very good German mechanic here in Brisbane and like Kachingg you get to know them on a first name basis and no bull**** from some snot nosed kid at dealer level reception . Our VW dealer here on that first service was asked to check the door alingnment as they bounced back on the strikers worse than a Chinese built Geely , when i picked it up all they did was spray silicone on the door seals WTF I gave up explaining that it needed new seals and realigning the doors properly HOPELESS.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    central coast. Lake Macquarie. (Not Port Macquarie.)
    When I used a vw dealer I always washed my car so they would not which was part of there service, very annal when it comes to washing my car , thats why it still looks new after 10 years.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
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    I have horrible memories of a friends Audi A4 back in Canberra. The dealership washed the car for him when it was in for one small warranty job. How nice of them... except they scratched the rear bumper. All good they said, they would pay for it to be resprayed. Despite 4 attempts, the bumper never matched the car again. The colour just could not match for whatever reason. Mate ended up selling the car.

    now, I don’t pretend for a moment that a dealership would want to scratch your car when they wash it, but the fact remains that they simply aren’t going to take the same care you are.

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