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Thread: Warning lights Golf GTI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Warning lights Golf GTI

    Is it just me or are others over all this technology stuff with VW,s today I replaced the front disc pads onmy sons GTI Mk 7 . Well I would have thought that once they pads were replaced the warning light SHOULD go out on its own as the circuit is no longer broken/ crossed so to speak , is it just me or is this some sort of sick joke to drive people back to dealers for every single bloody warning light at our expense . I tried removing the battery terminal [which by the way does work on my T5 Transporter 2004 model ] but it seems that even with the earth cable removed the thing somehow still retains memory as every thing was still the same when reconnected I thought the radio may have need to been reset along with clock etc but alas no . Any clues before I begrudgingly head to a local place for another dose of wallet lightning . Out of intereset to compare stupidity I retro fitted a factory cruise control into mates Mercedes Vito van the other day , so the unit was a doddle to fit one plug to back of ignition switch and r&r sterring wheel air bag etc took less than 35 minutes to install . The kit was $320 but Mercedes want $250 to plug in a computer for the SCN recoding and hit a couple of keys which from the video I watched takes say two minutes , its no wonder these dealerships look like Taj Mahals .

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
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    How are the pads on the other axle? Did you do both? Did you push the connector back in properly until it clicked?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
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    Yes I did both sides and yes the connection clicked in nicely , I would never do just one side makes no sense when they are sold in packs of four anyway . Both sides were worn to almost identical levels , the car had a full service a couple of months back and they told me it might need new front pads by the next service , HA HA I decided to take the dub for a 300km run to a lunch with a business mate of mine from Canada week before last we only did around half the distance and the warning light came on . It was a pretty demanding winding mountainous route so the brakes got a good workout which led to the pads being worn to that last mm .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Adelaide hills, SA
    Users Country Flag
    I meant both axles.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton
    Thread Starter

    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    I meant both axles.
    No the rears are in mint condition hardly any wear at all .

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