you have a lake spanning 50klm east to west, the show is half way between those 2 points. people drive down 2 weeks before the show, meet, drive, cruise, meet, talk, drive, meet, cruise, drive, eat food, drink, meet, drive and finally cruise around the whole late, for like.... 20 hr's of the 24hr day for 2 weeks!
no awards are given and 75% of the cars leave before or ON the day of the official show as you would have all the roads closed off and FULL with drunk Europeans all over the roads, holding cars back to do burnouts, yelling and so on...
plan is to get in 1 week before the show officially opens and just soak it ALL IN! but the show is kinda worth staying for, if you like autosalon style euro's
and lol sorry alexbut im warning you now, if you do decide to check out wothersee... DONT! because your car will NEVER! get finished!!!!! soo many new ideas will pop up your car will take another direction with everything! because ya know.... Worthersee IS the breeding ground for anything thats tuning VW's
some language 101 for everyone, gti treffen is not pronounced "gee-tee-eye" the euro's say "gitti-ee" i learned the hard way when i told ALOT of people im here for "gee-tee-eye" treffen they gave me that "ok...well...... good for you..." look
also "gummi gummi" means wheelspin/burnout, its kinda funny to say, but after a few two many beers and sitting on the side of the road for 5 hours you start to stop cars and yell at the drivers window "GUMMI GUMMI!!!!!" 99% of the time it pays offespecially when you see some audi rs2 with 500hp light up all 4 tyres down the street!!!