We want too a VWWatercooled sticker !
How to buy one ?
And especially is it possible to send it to France ?
Thank you in advance
hey guys,
today i was at the gym and i saw a vw with a vwwatercooled.org sticker on the back of his mkv... i want one!!! does anyone know where i can grab one from???
We want too a VWWatercooled sticker !
How to buy one ?
And especially is it possible to send it to France ?
Thank you in advance
There is a sticky in this section guys.
Thank you for the information
Great timing guys, the new stickers just came in today. I have updated the instructions thread and have a new thread for the introduction of the new colours here:
Intructions to purchase:
PS. A2J3M, I will have a Paypal orderform available very very soon so you can order some to be shipped overseas. Watch this space.
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