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Thread: VW Jetta front driver door not locking

  1. #1

    VW Jetta front driver door not locking

    Just recently noticed the front drivers door does not lock to the central locking only all the other doors. It can only be locked and opened manually with the key. Has anyone else sxperienced this and know how much it might cost to fix?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Kew, VIC
    Check the wires where they come through from door to body -- you may be able to fix it yourself.

  3. #3
    The door still responds to the remote as you can hear a clicking sound like its trying to lock but doesn't actually lock or unlock. So i'm guessing it has something to do with the actual latch part?

  4. #4

    Just an update. Took it to the local mechanic who pulled apart the door and found the front lock actuator to be faulty, quoted me $400 for the part and $200+ labor so I said no thanks only ended up paying $99 to check it. I ended up finding the correct part online for $80 and will install it myself with the help of youtube videos.. this problem seems more common than expected. Hope I don't end up breaking something

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