i get it every month shipped from uk, MAD conversions.
Ive seen this mag once in a toorak newsagency but i was wondering if people know of any other stockists in melbourne? especially in the south east?
Its a friggin good mag and i wunna get my hands on more
Volkswagen Golf+
'79 GLD
i get it every month shipped from uk, MAD conversions.
I get it monthly, just ask your newsagent to get it for you its one of the best Golf only magazines out there!!!
Yea i think i'm gonna get it more often too. PVW is just turning into a pretty pictures mag full of absolutely useless drivel. The articles are all the same and offer no real insight into what is really involved in doing a serious build, and most of the writing is of school boy standard.
At least GOLF+ has some technical tips etc.
-1990 Mk2 GTI 5-door with AMK 20vt (260hp @ wheels)
-Arrow/Rotax 125 TAG X1E Go Kart
How much does this cost at the local Newsagent?
I picked one up in Malaysia for about $5AUD
I gotta agree with walshydub here. When Fabian was editor of Golf+, the mag was pretty decent. A nice change to the glam (i.e. PVW) with more tech articles and such every month. But now with the new editor, there has been some questionable rides being featured and it seems that some articles weren't even given a once over before publishing; I've spotted way too many grammar/punctuation/spelling mistakes. Yes, PVW does it too, but not to the extent that Golf+ has recently.
Maybe a few years back I would've appreciated tech articles more but nowadays with forums and such, finding mechanical help is much more easier. I'm not on every single VW forum so I'd rather see feature cars and photos and re-caps of show events in the magazines I buy, and PVW does that perfectly.