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Thread: VW Emergeny Braking Assist... does it actually work?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by Gelato View Post
    The adaptive cruise control works well, the blind detection,lane keep assist, auto parking, they all work perfectly. But never once have Ihad the emergency braking come on.
    I have a Pajero sport as my work car and the city braking wouldoften trigger at least once when I drive to and from work.
    Reading the manual, it says the VW city braking can triggerbetween 60-4km/hr.
    I see, thanks for the heads up

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I would be surprised if you haven't seen it go off when someone is turning left, it often thinks they are slowing and you haven't seen them as it can't tell that they are about to be gone. Usually thats when I see it. Its come to a grinding halt even once which nearly got me rear ended. Thats a 2016 Skoda Octavia but would be the same system.

  3. #13
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    Yep. It works. I was bored and had time with a loan car so used an oversized inflatable pool ball to test it. Works every which way you can imagine. If it thinks you have not seen an object, it beeps, you have the option to over-ride it with the accelerator or brake yourself so it takes no action and if you fail to it jams on the brakes effectively.

  4. #14
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    It certainly worked on a friend's Tiguan when I came into his garage a little too quick one day. I honestly thought I'd run over something on the garage floor it came to such an abrupt stop. Dash lit up, started it back up and it was fine, though I myself was a bit wrecked.

  5. #15
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    Mt Cotton
    Mine has worked perfectly in all my cars for the last 48 years or so , its called a BRAIN . jeez i get mad when I see all the things in the media and car sites where they extoll the virtues of this witchcraft in cars . Just today in the Cars Guide in the paper someone was asking for reccomendations for a car for their elderly parents . The question included a list of every single passive safety piece of witchcraft car makers could offer , I would ask the question and mean no offence but if they have to rely on this technology maybe the time has come to hand in their license . Same applies to someone who buys a car for their kids , let them use their brains eyes and ears before letting them loose on the road . If we continue to molly coddle drivers very soon there will be no steering wheel and we will be reduced to a bunch of brain dead passengers moving around on an autonoumous road system , now where"s the fun in that ?

  6. #16
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    I agree we should not be relying on this new technology, but like seatbelts & air bags it is good to know it is there for that one time it all goes wrong.
    Remember accidents do happen, if the auto brake can stop quicker than the human and that means a life is saved then I'm all for it.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
    MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

  7. #17
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    Yep, heaven forbid that should things go pear shaped, some technology might assist us.... after all, not being perfect, I guess I’m not alone in being capable of making mistakes

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Have experienced Emergency brake assist about 5 times - all when cars turning off in front of me (was probably travelling too fast). Can definitely see this assisting in a dangerous situation but not to rely on 100%

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    In my Skoda Superb, there is an option to set the city emergency brake distance to alert then engage.
    My car is set one the earliest warning, so I get that once a day maybe. Yours could be set the other way around, where you will get the warning (very late) and the brakes applied almost instantly.

    Sent from my LG-H990 using Tapatalk

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