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Thread: VW Australia buyback

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2021

    VW Australia buyback

    Wondering if anyone has been through a buyback process?

    I was told 2 weeks ago my request for a buyback has been approved due to multiple failures on a 2 month old car (and misinformation at time of sale). However every time I email to ask for an update I get a very basic response saying they’ll update me with a timeframe when all the paperwork is done. (Sometimes I don’t even get a reply!)

    I am starting to get infuriated. My car has been off the road for 6 weeks, I am still having to make my monthly repayments incurring interest + insurance. Losing money daily. I feel rather robbed. VW have my thousands of dollars and I don’t even have the product I spent all this money on! They seem to think because they’ve loaned me a Hyundai i30 that I should be happy I’m mobile.

    Anyone else have experience with the buyback process and how long did it take?
    Last edited by tblack28; 31-05-2021 at 07:33 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Kilsyth, VIC
    Users Country Flag
    I've never heard of a buyback process so soon after a dud car, Australia doesn't have a 'lemon law' as far as I know so it's down the Australian Consumer Law to save you and how well you can argue your point. I've heard horror stories, across a range of different brands too I might add, of fixes after fixes that never seem to fix the problem. I have heard about cars being replaced or refunded ... eventually, so great work on getting a resolution so quickly.

    What were the underlying issues?

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Pacific Paradise QLD
    Users Country Flag
    Was told of a Skoda being bought back because of changes made after contract was signed. Guy who told me would know.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    A mate of mine had his Transporter T5 dual cab bought back by the dealer after only a couple of months . Turned out even though it was rated as being able to tow a certain load he found out that the only way he could get his to pull away was to slip the clutch . They sent out the local dealer and he couldn't,t get a smooth take-off either without slipping the clutch , so they bought the van back off him and also some compensation for the mods he had already done in preparation for his travels . Some time later VW,s advertising brochures of the tow capacity was lowered , another case of VW finding out their designs don,t always work as stated . Like putting a transmission filter inside a box that was never to be opened or even serviced , and then not even bothering to fit any kind of transmission cooler to keep tranny fluid in good condition in our climate .

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