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Thread: Volkswagen under investigation over illegal software that masks pollution

  1. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by wai View Post
    No, it's not.
    Former owner of MY12 GTD with DSG

  2. #342
    Join Date
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    ivanhoe vic
    One article said they have 3 options on the table including complete new car replacements

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    B6 Passat Wagon No KESSY

  3. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by OilBurna View Post
    One article said they have 3 options on the table including complete new car replacements
    Very unlikely.

    The cost of 11 million new cars would be unthinkable. Most likely it will be a ECU reflash and possibly a large donation to some 'green' organisation to plant trees to offset the extra pollution caused. If we are lucky we may get some small compensation as a gesture of 'goodwill'. There might be some new hardware and plumbing to add AdBlue urea but that would be a very difficult retrofit.

    As previously posted, I am going to wait and see. My Passat is booked in for a service this Thurs 8/10. This will buy me a year of thinking time..

  4. #344
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    I had my 103TDI Yeti serviced last week.......they didn't know anything as to what was going to happen and as a VW/Audi dealer weren't particularly interested.

  5. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amalgam View Post
    Very unlikely.

    The cost of 11 million new cars would be unthinkable. Most likely it will be a ECU reflash and possibly a large donation to some 'green' organisation to plant trees to offset the extra pollution caused. If we are lucky we may get some small compensation as a gesture of 'goodwill'. There might be some new hardware and plumbing to add AdBlue urea but that would be a very difficult retrofit.

    As previously posted, I am going to wait and see. My Passat is booked in for a service this Thurs 8/10. This will buy me a year of thinking time..
    AFAIK planting trees only offsets carbon emissions due to trees pulling CO2 from the atmosphere, storing the carbon and emitting O2. This scandal is regarding NOx emissions - I don't think planting trees is gonna help. Correct me if I'm wrong.
    Current ride: 156 GTA
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    Past rides:306 GTi6, 405 Mi16, Series 5 RX-7 TurboII, E30 325i

  6. #346
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    No no, John public is pi...of, because he feels that the resale value of his car that he is replacing every 3-4 years is down because of that.

    if someone can replace a car when it's only 3-4 years, he really doesn't suffer any financial hardship, does he?
    Why are you so down on people who purchase on 3-4 year cycles?

    For most people who do that they are trading somewhere between 45 to 60,000 Ks. If you are running under light conditions you're probably on the first set of tyres and brakes and just shy of a major service. So, if you trade then you are saving yourself a couple of grand.

    If you trade to a factory detail they will do the necessary work (at cost, 'cause they're a dealer) and a good, low mileage car becomes available for those who don't want to, or can't, buy a new car.

    For years I could only afford second hand cars, but paid a fortune for maintenance and repairs. When I could finally afford a new car I started to save on running costs. But the resale value is important (in varying degrees) to people who buy new cars. If something happens so the resale is far less than expected it no longer becomes viable.

    If buying a new VW is no longer attractive there will be no second hand VWs in a few years. Those that are available will be older, and starting to cost a rocket to maintain.

  7. #347
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    Quote Originally Posted by theresanothersteve View Post
    Why are you so down on people who purchase on 3-4 year cycles?

    For most people who do that they are trading somewhere between 45 to 60,000 Ks. If you are running under light conditions you're probably on the first set of tyres and brakes and just shy of a major service. So, if you trade then you are saving yourself a couple of grand.

    If you trade to a factory detail they will do the necessary work (at cost, 'cause they're a dealer) and a good, low mileage car becomes available for those who don't want to, or can't, buy a new car.

    For years I could only afford second hand cars, but paid a fortune for maintenance and repairs. When I could finally afford a new car I started to save on running costs. But the resale value is important (in varying degrees) to people who buy new cars. If something happens so the resale is far less than expected it no longer becomes viable.

    If buying a new VW is no longer attractive there will be no second hand VWs in a few years. Those that are available will be older, and starting to cost a rocket to maintain.

  8. #348
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    Jul 2011
    VW have now halted sales of diesels (VW/Audi/Skoda) .

    VW will be looking for any class actions to go away and disappear. They need to get on the front foot of this one. I've read and been told now that the two main options which they have been advised of:

    1. Buy back the cars what the customer paid for them
    2. Offer re-tune and a cash sum

    They don't want this to drag on.

    That said, give it two months and any brand new petrol VW will be available for a song.

  9. #349
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    Quote Originally Posted by theresanothersteve View Post
    Why are you so down on people who purchase on 3-4 year cycles?

    For most people who do that they are trading somewhere between 45 to 60,000 Ks. If you are running under light conditions you're probably on the first set of tyres and brakes and just shy of a major service. So, if you trade then you are saving yourself a couple of grand.

    If you trade to a factory detail they will do the necessary work (at cost, 'cause they're a dealer) and a good, low mileage car becomes available for those who don't want to, or can't, buy a new car.

    For years I could only afford second hand cars, but paid a fortune for maintenance and repairs. When I could finally afford a new car I started to save on running costs. But the resale value is important (in varying degrees) to people who buy new cars. If something happens so the resale is far less than expected it no longer becomes viable.

    If buying a new VW is no longer attractive there will be no second hand VWs in a few years. Those that are available will be older, and starting to cost a rocket to maintain.
    I'm down only on the hypocrites.
    Who cry about losing money on trade in because of bad publicity by media. You don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out that it's more economical to keep your car longer than 3-4 years unles you bought a lemon. Nothing against people who can REALLY afford it and enjoy always having a fresh car.
    Last edited by Transporter; 07-10-2015 at 09:17 AM.

  10. #350
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by minke View Post
    VW have now halted sales of diesels (VW/Audi/Skoda) .

    VW will be looking for any class actions to go away and disappear. They need to get on the front foot of this one. I've read and been told now that the two main options which they have been advised of:

    1. Buy back the cars what the customer paid for them
    2. Offer re-tune and a cash sum

    They don't want this to drag on.

    That said, give it two months and any brand new petrol VW will be available for a song.
    Not quite correct. The actual situation as at 7/10 is:


    This is not "VW have now halted sales of diesels".

    The options presented and / or mandated by / for VW in the USA, Europe and Australia may all be completely different, so the "two main options" that you mention may not even be the ones that apply here.

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