I actually feel very divided loyalties over this case because of the implications of the mobile phone conversation. Yesterday, I was literally almost run over by a teenager in a White Toyota SUV - I was about to walk across a marked pedestrian crossing as my green "walk" light had just lit up. But as I looked to where the cars were coming from, this teenager just sped through - engrossed as he was with his mobile phone. After he passed me he looked out the window at me and just laughed. Yes, it really was hysterically funny - especially for me - and I am sure he would have been having a real belly laugh if someone had just started crossing the road without double-checking. Mind you, I always interpret the green walk signal as merely indicating that I have a legal right of way to cross the road and nothing more
When I am on the road, the only safe thing in my view is to be behind these people - if I see someone engaged in a mobile conversation behind me I will quietly attempt to change lanes and pull back behind them so long as it is safe and I do not impede anyone else's progress or safety gaps by doing that.
Sure, at the speeds we are talking about it would just mean rear end damage, but I don't want to scratch my lovely little white Polo
