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Thread: Victorian Laws

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Victorian Laws

    VicRoads is really unclear with what is/isn't allowed in terms of modifications, is there any web page that I could find laws and regulations that exist? I've searched and have come up with nothing :/

    I'm interested in changing my license plate lights on a MK6 Jetta to a white or blue LED, it's currently stock yellow. I've heard mixed opinions, some have told me that it's completely illegal and some have told me that it's legal if the number plate writing is the colour of the LED light..


    I'm also interested in installing one of these (Hidetheplate motorized license plate):
    Motorized "Hide The Plate" on a New MK6 TDI VW Golf - YouTube

    Or maybe just even positioning the license plate on the lower grill instead of the center grill..
    I've seen on US forums where some have Jettas and the license plate is positioned on the left or ride side of the lower grill.. Like this..

    Would any of these mods be legal or is there somewhere that I could check before I undertake the mods?
    I don't like yellow stickers xD

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Without even looking, I'd say the hide the plate thing is illegal. While there's nothing illegal about having the number plate to one side (as you'd know some manufacturers have it on one side), you'd need to check if you're allowed to move it (I suspect it's ok as long as it is not obscured and some angle requirements).

    Your best option is to call VicRoads and ask.
    GTI | Carbon | Man | 5 door | Leather | 18" Detroit | Bluetooth | MDI | Bi-Xenon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Not sure why you would want to put the plate in that position, it will block some airflow, I know in my Santa Fe the intercooler is right in that spot but from memory in Golfs and SKodas its down the bottom. Haven't looked in a while to be honest. It doesn't block anything in the space for it though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sydney NSW
    Users Country Flag

    As a general rule, for lights always on, it is red to the rear except for the numberplate light which should be white, and white to the front except clearance lamps which can be amber/yellow. Something that is clearly not white will be like a flag to the police. Not worth the hassle.

    On the position of the numberplate, You will find there is a height limitation which is why you cannot have the numberplate on the dashboard or rear window. As for left or right of centre, this is not a limitation. The overriding condition is that it must be capanle of being read at a specified distance. If the lighting intensity or angle of the plate is such that it cannot be read, then you will get a defect notice.


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