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Thread: Used car warranty questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
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    Used car warranty questions

    Hey fellow dubbers.
    I've read the fair trading website concerning warranty and I'm clear on most issues.
    But I have a scenario and would hope to get some clarification.

    Ok so a person buys a used car from a dealership that comes with a three year warranty supplied by that dealership after the new wty has expired and the new owners are advised that for them to keep this wty they must service the vehicle with the dealership otherwise it will be void!!

    What is the rule on this situation?
    Do you think that if its written into the sale contract is it legal?

    I'd appreciate some feedback.

  2. #2
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    It's a condition of the warranty.

    Of course, you can get the car serviced anywhere you like, but don't expect the dealer who sold you the warranty to be intersted in paying for any repairs under the warranty.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  3. #3
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    Used car warranty questions

    So your saying its legal for a seller to bind that person for general maintanance if written in a contract?
    Are they allowed to make these types of contracts? This is the grey area I'm not to sure on. How can the factory offer wty on a new car but it's legal for any licensed mechanic to work on it and still maintain its wty whist in the period of cover.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Last edited by grtuned; 10-11-2014 at 06:29 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Sinagra, Western Australia
    Well the dealership would be wearing the cost of the extended warranty and not the factory, so to cover themselves they have put conditions on it. Seems reasonable enough, you would need to figure out what you would be saving by servicing elsewhere and if it is worth agreeing to.

  5. #5
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    I expect it's something to do with Statutory Warranty (i.e. legally required under Australian law, vendor has no say in it) vs optional warranty which is a voluntary contract between vendor and purchaser.
    Former owner of MY12 GTD with DSG

  6. #6
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    Stat warranty is only 3 months in NSW at least.

    This would be one of those Harrier-type warranties; service it with the selling dealer every 6 months or 10,000klms.

    The services are only a basic oil/filter/checkover, and have nothing to do with the car's service schedule.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  7. #7
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    Still not confident on giving anybody an explanation as to their rights as a consumer in a situation as described. I'd have to check some of the contracts and I think I'll call fair trading for a chat if I can't find anything specific on their web site.
    Gets me how factory interval is 15,000km or one year and these crooks are recommending 6 months or 10,000 km for any VAG product.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by grtuned View Post
    Still not confident on giving anybody an explanation as to their rights as a consumer in a situation as described. I'd have to check some of the contracts and I think I'll call fair trading for a chat if I can't find anything specific on their web site.
    Gets me how factory interval is 15,000km or one year and these crooks are recommending 6 months or 10,000 km for any VAG product.
    That's what the warranty stipulates.

    As fair as they're concerned, play by their rules, and you might be covered if something goes bang.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
    '01 Beetle 2.0

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by grtuned View Post
    Hey fellow dubbers.
    I've read the fair trading website concerning warranty and I'm clear on most issues.
    But I have a scenario and would hope to get some clarification.

    Ok so a person buys a used car from a dealership that comes with a three year warranty supplied by that dealership after the new wty has expired and the new owners are advised that for them to keep this wty they must service the vehicle with the dealership otherwise it will be void!!

    What is the rule on this situation?
    Do you think that if its written into the sale contract is it legal?

    I'd appreciate some feedback.
    That is correct, the dealership that is selling a car outside of the new car warranty and supplies their own warranty can stipulate that the servicing must be conducted by them. I recently contacted ACCC and spoke to them and the clarified it and was also directed to their website. Sucks I know but such is life.
    GTI MKV, 3 pedals >D, black, leather, K04 APR tune , APR RSC tbe, BSH CAI, Bilsteins sports shocks, H&R sports springs, wavetrack LSD, H&R sway bars, and painted that stupid looking matt black plastic bumbers and side skirts to match the paint of the car

  10. #10
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    Those warranties are usually bull**** anyway. Is it AWN? Compare it to say an Alllianz policy or some of the ones vw sell as extended warranty and you will see some very different conditions.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
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