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Thread: use of VW logo on euro style plates (WA)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Perth, WA

    use of VW logo on euro style plates (WA)

    Has anyone got the VW logo on their plates?

    In WA you can have a maufacturers logo on the plates. I asked dermot and he directed me to VAG marketing department.

    Has anyway managed to get permission to use the logo on the their plates.

    I was thinking about saying that I have just bought a golf R and it has 6 logos (front, back and 4 wheels) on it already whats the problem if there's another two on the plates.

    If VW sponsor a team they get to use the logo and VW pay for it. I'm paying for my plates and they get a bit of additional advertising... if the plates are decent (wording) i see no problem...

    thoughts on how to approach - or is there specific department i need to talk to....


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Perth, WA
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    I saw this advertised on the order brochure when i purchased my euro plates, considered looking into it further and then decided against it as it would restrict me being able to use the plates on another car other than a VW when i move on.

    Maybe call the Dept of Transport designer plates area and see if they can advise you.
    MY11 Golf R - Rising Blue - 5DR - DSG - 19" Black OZ Ultralegerra - Leather - Sunroof - MDI - Euro Plates - Milltek Exhaust - Bluefin - SOLD
    MY11 Tiguan 147 TSI - DSG - Pepper Grey - Black Leather - RVC - MDI - BT

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Perth, WA
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    Maybe call the Dept of Transport designer plates area and see if they can advise you.
    I did - they said I need a letter from the dealer - the dealer said he can't authorise that - speak with Volkswagen marketing in Sydney and go from there. I got there number I just wondered if there was any specific department ie sponsorship or area within marketing I should speak with.

    I seriously doubt they'll approve the use whoever they have sold me a car with at least 6 logo's you can see from the street and I'm paying for the plates.

    As long as they are decent i.e. there shouldn't be an issue.

    If someone has done this in any state (ie get a vw logo on your plate) how did you suck up to them?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Perth, WA
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    Well I called VW marketing as per Dermot's suggestion and I spoke with a lovely sounding lady called Lauren.

    I asked her if I could get permission to use the Logo on the Plates for the golf R I had bought and directed her to the WA Licensing website which talked about what DOT could do and she said she hadn't heard of it being done before. So she was going to go and check it out and get back to me.

    I'm still waiting to hear from her. Hopefully she will find something out for me soon.

    Will post updates as they arrive. Fingers crossed she says yes...


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Sunshine Coast

    Best of luck with it. I had ordered MISS VW plates years ago, and while the licensing centre processed it and took my money, weeks later they sent me a letter stating due to Volkswagens strict copyright I could not have VW on my plates so had to change to VDUB. Pardon the pun, but they are Nazi's when it comes to their logo or any affiliation to the brand!


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