Yeah wasn't bad, I was a huge Mr Bean fan when I was little, so awesome to see, and seems like he can handle a Kia. Used to think it was awesome that while being Mr Bean in his mini in real life he owned a Mac F1.
Starts tomorrow night on Ch9 for those who don't know where to find it online
Golf R 5 door, DSG, EVOMS CAI, TXS DP, Recode Tune.
Episode 5 is out now.
Reborn Jensen Interceptor
Lotus T125
Sir Bob Geldof (boring, skipped the whole thing)
Demolition challenge
Also, Top Gear US Series 2 is out now.
I've got to say, I enjoy the US one a lot more than I thought I would, it could use some of that UK craziness, but in saying that I'm glad they started off with a humble car show albeit of big budget...and Tanner Foust is the king.
Thread hijack, but on the topic of what's just up on the net...woot Entourage. Top Gear was good, but seems like they've stripped the budget out or attempted to tone it down while still being ridiculous, has lost some of the charm it had a few years back, but then again it's still great.
I'm watching the latest episode now. Anyone realise that when they were doing the news and were on the topic of massive bird **** on cars, both Jeremy and that audience member made a mistake? I thought it was a Legnum, since it was a wagon!
Ahh fair enough!
Ended up finishing the rest of it last night, Lotus car and the team you get from buying their "kit" is insane. Gotta be an oil tycoon or somethin' to get that sorta thing going.
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