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Thread: Tasmania in the winter.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Canberra, ACT
    Users Country Flag

    Tasmania in the winter.

    Off for the long drive to Melbourne next Saturday to join the ferry to Tasmania. Off the boat Sunday morning, and thence on to the driving through some of those twisting roads.

    Did it last year in the Landrover - which was fun seeing all the car drivers looking in awe at just how well the D4 corners. This year in the Gti it's going to be more fun, just not as comfortable. I wonder if we need a thread for the 'best driving roads'?
    Candy White Golf GTI Adidas with Park Assist and Reversing Camera

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Sydney, NSW
    head out the back of deloraine and head towards great lake, hell of a road that ends in one amazing view, did it in April straight off the boat and there was no traffic, was awesome.

    Also have a look at the drive to cradle mountain but from the back of sheffield past mt roland, twisties are so tight and frequent at one point I felt a little sick driving it. best bit of all of this is the speed limit is 100 not the nanny speeds we have here in NSW

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Chillaxing in Tas
    Users Country Flag
    All so try the Sideling which heads from launny to Scottsdale. pretty twisty.. half is up hill, other half is down hill

    Elephant pass is all a pretty twisty road.

    Where are you staying in tas?
    <space for rent>

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Used half my brake pad thickness driving 'enthusiastically' between Strahan and Hobart. Nice drive though, plenty of twisty bits. Just remember to turn your car alarm off if you have one with a tilt sensor while on the boat. Heard mine go off from my cabin! They had to call me to go down into the car deck to turn it off. All that rocking made my Passat think it was being attacked.


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