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Thread: Steering wheel with stereo controls .

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Mt Cotton

    Steering wheel with stereo controls .

    Have tried on the van section but got no replies for this one . Ok have 2005 T5 transporter I wanted to upgrade the steering wheel to a model with steering wheel controls onboard . I have noticed that whilst Golf wheels fit the clock spring is not compatible as the electric connections at the rear are on the bottom and the Transporters are on the top . It seems that my van can have the wheel with the correct connections but finding one has been a marathon . Any one got some clues please . I tried a MK5 Golf which was how I found out they wont work .

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    far side South Oz
    Dont know the answer but try

    huge english based forum should have answers there, get in quick though, theres an important rugby match later on this week, could alter their responses

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Have tried on the van section but got no replies for this one . Ok have 2005 T5 transporter I wanted to upgrade the steering wheel to a model with steering wheel controls onboard . I have noticed that whilst Golf wheels fit the clock spring is not compatible as the electric connections at the rear are on the bottom and the Transporters are on the top . It seems that my van can have the wheel with the correct connections but finding one has been a marathon . Any one got some clues please . I tried a MK5 Golf which was how I found out they wont work .

    I had steering wheel replacment on my passat 2009. But...i had already 8 button steering wheel and installed 12 button MK6 multifunction steering wheel..Since i had already modul for that i did not need to change anything else.
    now, you can check compatibility since i have my old steering wheel (8 button)...
    let me know if can be fit...
    2014 Passat Wagon, TDI, blue-motion technology, ComfortPower front seats, Adaptive Damping Control, Premium Sound System, Power Tailgate, Sports pack

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
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    Thanks for the reply saint70 the main thing I noticed with the MK5 was that the wheel fitted perfectly but it was the clock Spring was the stumbling block along with the electrical parts as well . The Mk5 has a module of some sort on the underside of the clock spring with all the connections in there the T5 Transporter has the connections on the top side and from looking at the connectors it certainly seems that VW made allowances for the fitment of a button model wheel .
    This the T5 connection looking at the airbag connector
    Steering wheel with stereo controls .-20150928_123405-jpg
    This is the view of the indicator wiper stalk component you can see that there are two connectors one for airbag and the second one I am presuming is for the stereo controls which are not on the back of the clockspring
    Steering wheel with stereo controls .-20150928_123416-jpg
    This is the single connector as you can see once its turned over it matches the single plug at the outer end
    Steering wheel with stereo controls .-20150928_123436-jpg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Steering wheel with stereo controls .-20150928_123422-jpg  
    Last edited by Sunny43.5; 07-10-2015 at 11:06 PM.

  5. #5
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    If you are located in victoria i could lend my mfsw so you can try...let me.know.

    Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
    2014 Passat Wagon, TDI, blue-motion technology, ComfortPower front seats, Adaptive Damping Control, Premium Sound System, Power Tailgate, Sports pack

  6. #6
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    Mt Cotton
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    Thanks for the offer but a weekend drive from Qld is a bit of a stretch out of interest could you send a photo of the back of the wheel and also did you have to change the clock spring ?

  7. #7
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    No, i did not changed except coding work for new mfsw
    Steering wheel with stereo controls .-uploadfromtaptalk1444297261565-jpg
    Here you go ...picture

    Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
    2014 Passat Wagon, TDI, blue-motion technology, ComfortPower front seats, Adaptive Damping Control, Premium Sound System, Power Tailgate, Sports pack

  8. #8
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    Thanks for the picture it seems the mk 5 is much the same if you look real close at the yellow connector you can see 12 pinholes if my eyes are correct . Now if you then look at the same connector on my wheel in the first photo it only has a row of 6 pins in a single row . So it looks like I would need a different clock spring to match the connector and then make sure the connection to the main column connector also has the two outlets .

  9. #9
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    That going hard to find...maybe from overseas (like i did) or vw specialist can get part for you.
    Anyway, good luck..

    Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
    2014 Passat Wagon, TDI, blue-motion technology, ComfortPower front seats, Adaptive Damping Control, Premium Sound System, Power Tailgate, Sports pack

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Mt Cotton
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    Thanks for the info I will do some more digging and see what happens .

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