That's the Jap "scene"
Am i the only one to notice that...
All hondas must have white wheels and black bonnets.
All older WRX's must have gold wheels.
All normally aspirated lancers must have 4 inch tips.
All nissan silvias must have a ridiculously large front bar (installed really bad) and no other parts of a bodykit.
Have i missed anything?
That's the Jap "scene"
MK2 - *Insert list of dealer purchased extra's/standard features here*
80 series - The MK2's BIG, Sooty, polar opposite...
All commodores must have pox rims.
All P plate commodore utes must have THOR or similar wakeboarding stickers on the rear window that blocks all vision.
^what he said
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subaru Forrester need a fart can.
commos and falcoons mut have 20s on the front, stockies/steelies on the back.
stock suspension front, SSSSSL kings or nothing in the back
commodores need horizontal drivers seat, Hyundai excels need 3 foot high fiberglass wing on the back, Mirage needs drainpipe exhaust(pov pack cars only) Corollas need a massive vertical bollard dent in the rear.
That bitch fried my tyres!