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Thread: speeding fine

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
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    Quote Originally Posted by teeny View Post
    woundering if anyone can help I got done speeding I was doing 135 in a 100 zone have never had a fine in my 23 years of driving what should I do thanks
    Don't speed. If you choose to speed then pay the cost. Your choice.

  2. #12
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    WOuld be cheaper and easier to wear it than hire a lawyer.

    Even the ones who get you off parking fines charge 5 times the cost of the fine.

    I got a $143 ticket and was going to cost at least $600 to fight it Gave up and paid it.
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  3. #13
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    Have you got the fine yet? Not much you can do until you get the official paperwork which will tell you exactly what you're getting hit with.

    If you're really lucky and the paperwork comes through under 130 you can apply to have to dropped through the normal process.

    If it's only cash + demerits, consider yourself lucky, pay the fine and don't get caught again. You could take it to court, but you run all the same risks as below.

    If it's cash + demerits + loss of licence you need to consider what your licence is worth to you and if it's worth fighting. As has been said, taking it to court runs the risk of a bigger fine / suspension. You don't have to have a lawyer, sometimes I think it's better not to... but then this is what they do and why you pay them.

    You can argue that you have a good record and it was only a momentary lapse of judgement and hope for the best, given your long history and first offence you probably have a decent case... but it's all up to judge on the day.

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  4. #14
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    I wouldn't bother if its loss of licence, cop what you are dealt. A Magistrate will want a pretty good reason for you to be speeding that much. If you decide to go to court don't bother with a lawyer, represent yourself. Admit you are guilty straight up. The best the Magistrate will do is reduce the fine amount. Demerit points cannot be altered by a Magistrate as it is not his/her area, its the Road Authority. In my experiences if you try to blame the cops, the system, the radar equipment etc you will get hammered. If you accuse the cops/system of harassment/racism etc you will get hammered.
    1974 1300 Beetle, 1997 Golf GL, 2003 New Beetle Cabrio, 2014 Audi A4 quattro

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    WOuld be cheaper and easier to wear it than hire a lawyer.

    Even the ones who get you off parking fines charge 5 times the cost of the fine.

    I got a $143 ticket and was going to cost at least $600 to fight it Gave up and paid it.
    Depends on the external circumstances Hillbilly.

    In my younger, more foolish days I did something quite stupid in a motor car. At the time I happened to be a mechanic and one of the test drivers / diagnostic techs, so spent half my day driving customer cars.
    I was charged with several offences, some which were fair enough & others which were the Police wanting to teach me a lesson (or maybe they wanted me to get off). One of the charges carried up to 10 years gaol time and a 5 figure fine.

    I had no choice but to fight the charges or be demoted at work (at best) or spend some time behind bars as somebodies bitch. It cost me 2 weeks wages to have my day in court and the police case (the gaol / fine charge) was laughed out of court by the magistrate. Even the lesser charge, which I was totally guilty of was thrown out due to police laziness and insufficient evidence.

    Best 2 weeks pay I ever spent. I've been on my best behaviour ever since.
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