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Thread: Sneaky undercover action .

  1. #21
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    In a lot of school zones here they have flashing lights around the "40kmh" signs that operate whenever the 40 limit applies, so it would be quite simple to sync the flashing lights with the camera.

    Maybe the cost benefit analysis does not stack up. Camera is only operational for a few hours a day, 5 days a week, 40 weeks a year. Doesn't make enough money to warrant installation... yes maybe I'm being a touch too cynical!

    I do my best to stay off the road around school drop off and pick up times. I don't know what it is but parents seems to lose all common sense when it comes to dropping off or picking up their precious little Johnny/Jane. It becomes every man/woman (usually woman) for themselves.
    Last edited by Tobes_WIR35; 03-01-2016 at 07:16 AM.

  2. #22
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    Can you really put a price on safety. Won't somebody please think of the children.

    Why is it that Govt see a need to see a monetary return on everything ? We wont fine enough people so we wont do it.
    Once the camera work and people slow down, the money dries up - then what.
    Bring in autonomous cars and no more speeding revenue at all.
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  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustCruisn View Post
    Can you really put a price on safety. Won't somebody please think of the children.

    Why is it that Govt see a need to see a monetary return on everything ? We wont fine enough people so we wont do it.
    Once the camera work and people slow down, the money dries up - then what.
    Bring in autonomous cars and no more speeding revenue at all.
    Like love in the song, Gov'ts will find a way...

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idle View Post
    Like love in the song, Gov'ts will find a way...
    The school crossing will now have a toll to pay for the cameras and also insure a continuing revenue stream, put a coin in to activate the lights.
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  5. #25
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    Okay to clarify this one a friend of mine lives next to the guy whose company have been supplying several of the different speed cameras used by Qld police . He explained that the different cameras have an allowance for different uses , the fixed ones have the lowest allowance as it is not affected by movement of the camera . The mobile and hand held have a higher allowance as the movement of the camera by the operator means that they cannot get an accurate reading . Now Qld police have in the last year changed the allowance but will not publish those margins BUT they do have some tolerance regardless .You can read this article it gives a good insight into ADR versus the Law .Inaccurate Speedos in Court
    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Why should it have a tolerance for speedo error. If you are going by your speedo you would NEVER get a ticket because by law speedos must read at least actual speed or up to 10kph higher +/-4. They may not read less than actual speed.

    Therefore you would not be faster than the time it takes to do it at the speed limit.

    If you choose to set your cruise higher well its up to you.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Why should it have a tolerance for speedo error. If you are going by your speedo you would NEVER get a ticket because by law speedos must read at least actual speed or up to 10kph higher +/-4. They may not read less than actual speed.

    Therefore you would not be faster than the time it takes to do it at the speed limit.

    If you choose to set your cruise higher well its up to you.
    This is not entirely true. Cars built prior to 2006 could be +/- 10%, so if your true speed is 100kph, the speedo could read anywhere from 90-110kph. Hence it would not be unreasonable to expect a 10% tolerance for speed cameras and radars, although I doubt this would hold up in court, maybe unless your car was older than 2006.
    Last edited by Tobes_WIR35; 04-01-2016 at 09:40 PM.

  7. #27
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    My 2002 Golf reads under and always has ...

  8. #28
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    Gee I'm glad I found this post, thanks for the info!
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  9. #29
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    Went past the speed check that's on the M1 (I think?) way back to Melbourne when you're coming back to Geelong. Speedo said 105km/h. Camera said 100km/h.
    Past - '95 VW Golf MK3 VR6
    Present - '11 Ford Focus LW Diesel (PSA DW10C)

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Your luck was in!

    If your speedo had been spot on, you'd likely have copped a ticket.

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