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Thread: Sneaky undercover action .

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Wished I had read that earlier Have been up and down there a lot lately but usually use ACC set at 111.

    Thought they were only for trucks.

    The ones we saw in the US were well out in the sticks so is probably cheaper to patrol by plane rather than run connections for cameras.
    The one on the Bruce Highway between Beerwah and the Caloundra turnoff has an allowance to compensate for car speedo errors I travel that one regular as well and I set the cruise for around 114 by the car speedo and never get pinged . The posted 110 does keep the traffic in check but you do see some idiots who don,t realise and I am sure they get a fine . Oh my GPS does seem to be more accurate as it shows 110 so I probably don't stray over anyway .

  2. #12
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    I loved this sign we saw in the US in Montana back some years ago , it,s a pity that on some of our highways we are not allowed to use our own common sense .Sneaky undercover action .-speed-jpg

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Wait till the adopt the US version of speed traps Lines painted on the road about half a mile apart. Cessna flying low behind you timing you.
    In around 1986 I took a ride to Perth with my brother in law in a Mack semi trailer. The police were doing the same thing out east of Kalgoorle. Truckies had a great network & every time a truck came toward us the first question on the CB was "anything back there" or similar. The truckies seemed to know when the police were staying in Kalgoorlie & operating their "bear in the sky" operation.
    The Mack had 40 forward gears & would cruise at 130km/hr doing 1900 rpm.
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  4. #14
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    I recall about 12 years ago the local traffic branch had a dark blue V8 VX Commodore wagon, with some of those horrible chrome Supercheap Auto chrome hub caps and a "Baby On Board" sign on the back window. That car paid for itself in the first week I recko... I'd constantly see it with someone pulled over. Then they got a Ford Focus XR5, Falcon XR6 ute with canopy and roof racks...

    In Brisbane I have seen a Silver mk6 GTI and a black mk6 GTI unmarked traffic cars. Haven't seen them for a while though. A few years ago a silver mk5 Jetta 147TSI was patrolling the ICB and various other inner city arterials.

    A couple of weeks ago I saw an SS ute with chrome roll bars driving a bit erratically in front of me (going across 3 lanes in heavy traffic). Then I heard sirens and saw the lights. It was an unmarked traffic cop pulling over a P plater for texting (good work, wish they would get more...)
    Last edited by Tobes_WIR35; 02-01-2016 at 08:42 AM.

  5. #15
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    Urban miffs all of it.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by metfast View Post
    Urban miffs all of it.

    Well would be a MYTH but its true They do use unmarked cars and in our area have used a plain grey Aurion for a while then a green one and other assorted types. Should be more of it.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    The one on the Bruce Highway between Beerwah and the Caloundra turnoff has an allowance to compensate for car speedo errors I travel that one regular as well and I set the cruise for around 114 by the car speedo and never get pinged . The posted 110 does keep the traffic in check but you do see some idiots who don,t realise and I am sure they get a fine . Oh my GPS does seem to be more accurate as it shows 110 so I probably don't stray over anyway .
    Why should it have a tolerance for speedo error. If you are going by your speedo you would NEVER get a ticket because by law speedos must read at least actual speed or up to 10kph higher +/-4. They may not read less than actual speed.

    Therefore you would not be faster than the time it takes to do it at the speed limit.

    If you choose to set your cruise higher well its up to you.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  8. #18
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    Saw many mobile speed cameras around my neighbourhood, very unusual and got caught. I finished work earlier than usual so totally forgot there might be cameras at that time, especially NYE.
    12AM+ every other time of the year there is nobody on the road so have no problems coming back as they're not out at that time and so drive to conditions.

    They also changed the law...
    Victoria Police launch hidden mobile speed traps
    Past - '95 VW Golf MK3 VR6
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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    They do use unmarked cars and in our area have used a plain grey Aurion for a while then a green one and other assorted types. Should be more of it.
    I think they need a combination of marked and unmarked cars driving around in traffic. Speed cameras and cops with radars hiding behind bushes do little to prevent serious accidents. People drive like knob heads regardless.

    On the other side of the coin, whenever I'm in traffic and on the extremely rare times where there is a marked highway patrol car amongst the pack (instead of hiding in the bushes with a radar), everyone behaves themselves.

    That being said, I don't have sympathy for anyone caught speeding regardless of the means in which they are caught. Even if you are speeding and are an alert and observant driver you should, generally speaking, be able to spot a speed camera van or a radar trap and slow down in time anyway, and by default if you are alert and responsive enough to do this, then being a few kays over the limit is no safety issue. On theother hand if you are speeding and you'renot alert and responsive enough to see and slow down at a speed trap, then your driving as a whole probably IS a safety issue and you deserve the ticket.

    I've had 3 or 4 in my driving career and the above applies to me as much as anyone else.
    Last edited by Tobes_WIR35; 02-01-2016 at 04:51 PM.

  10. #20
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    Fair point.

    They really occasionally park a marked patrol car in the School Zone where I drop my siblings off. Everyone drives accordingly. Every other time I get overtaken because if a cop didn't see it then it didn't happen so people do whatever they want.

    I wonder if they'll ever fit permanent speed cameras in School Zones, or would it be too complicated with the timing and all since everyone's clock isn't exactly synced? Think ticket disputes because the time was different. I guess the data for accidents occurring in School Zones isn't significant enough to warrant it.

    On another note, local council installed 50km/h signs in winter where I live, now that it's summer and the trees have grown, all the signs are covered by leaves...
    Past - '95 VW Golf MK3 VR6
    Present - '11 Ford Focus LW Diesel (PSA DW10C)

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