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Thread: Sneaky move to put secret Carbon Tax on fuel

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by elephino View Post
    I'm still trying to work out how big business is paying for this carbon tax, not the 'ordinary' australian. The business gets taxed, the business then passes on the cost of the tax to the customer (and likely with a little profit on top). Who's paying for this again? Please note that if the business didn't pass on the cost of the tax, they would more than likey go bust.

    When the ETS comes in, businesses that are deemed to be polluters will be able to buy "phoney" carbon credits. The government has set a floor price of $15/tonne for this, so all a "big polluter" has to do is buy these credits and keep doing what they are doing.

    The Carbon Tax and ETS will do so little that the computer modelling suggests temperature changes so small that there is no technology to actually measure such a small temperature change.

    The sole purpose of a Carbon Tax and ETS is to let some people make the expense of others.

    On The Bolt Report over the weekend, there was a clip from Tim Flannery (former Australian of the Year). When asked how long it would be before we would see any change in temperatures if the whole world took such steps, his response was 100 years or 1000 years.

    When Professor Ross Garnaut (professor of economics) was asked how much effect the adoption of a Carbon Tax and ETS would have on global temperatures, his response was little if any.

    As I said, all this will do is make some people a lot of money at the expense of a whole lot of others.

    The really sad thing is that already you see how some people can be bought off with the promise (is it really a promise) of a few dollars. Reminds me of a company I worked for on contract where they had a lunch where they ordered pizzas for everyone...except me as I was a contractor. So I went to the lunch room, heated up my lunch and was having it when all the leftovers were brought into the lunch room and I was told I could have anything in the boxes. Now there would have been some who would have been really happy at being offered that, only I almost told the person where to stick it. The only thing that stopped me was I needed the work.

    Let's hope that people remember this come election time. My fear is that they have short memories.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by wai View Post
    My fear is that they have short memories.
    My fear is people buy their bull**** they feed you via TV/Radio/General advertising...

    It really does become blood boiling stuff, the feeling of utter helplessness and what seems to almost be betrayal is devastating.
    2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.

  3. #13
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    Of course people have short memories.

    Coal/oil power plants kill tens of thousands each year from the polition they put out, but it can't be measured easily so it's just ignored. The mining and drilling for coal and oil is also dangerous.

    In 2010 we had the Deepwater Horizon oil spill (BP oil spill/Gulf of Mexico oil spill etc). 11 dead, 17 injured, 462 km of costline destroyed and 11,000 km˛ of ocean decimated affecting wildlife, fishing, tourism etc.

    Yet people have forgotten that due to the fear mongering and sensationalism of the "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster". And what was the impact of that? 0 deaths. Woo! Ok, so one of the workers died from a heart attack, and 2 workers had radiation burns from stepping in contaminated water.

    Yet people in Australia are so anti-nuclear.
    The irony of the Japanese nuclear accident is that the nuclear plant survived the earthquake and correctly shutdown, only to have the "oil burning backup generators" fail from the tidal wave! So if the backup generators were "portable" nuclear generators (such as the Toshiba or Hitachi products), then things would have been fine

    Beyond this, coal power plants put out far more radiation into the environment (up to 100's of times) than similarly sized nuclear plants.
    Fukushima was already schedule to be decommissioned as it was build in the 60's.
    Modern nuclear power plants cannot meltdown
    Modern nuclear power plants also don't need enriched uranium and therefore the fear of weapons-grade nuclear material poliferation is not warranted.
    Modern nuclear power plants can recycle the fuel and use it over and over again.
    The general publics uneducated "nuclear fear" is largely responsible for these old nuclear power plants still being in use, especially in countries such as the UK and USA, as the public perception has caused their governments to block the approval of new nuclear power plant construction to replace the old "generation 1 and 2" designs.
    France has one of (the?) lowest carbon polution per capita than other countries in the developed world because they've constantly pursued and developed their nuclear energy program.
    Renewable energy disasters have killed more people than ALL coal/oil and nuclear power disasters combined. Hydro... a single disaster in China in the 70's killed 171,000 people and left 11 million homeless.
    Australia's hydro project - the Snowy Mountain River Scheme killed 112 workers during its construction, and today only provides 9% of NSW's energy. It has also caused the decimation of our river systems and therefore each year the scheme is forced to re-introduce more water supply into the rivers in an effort to restore the damage which they've caused.

    I guess my HUGE FRUSTRATION over this entire "Carbon Tax" thing is that I've been doing my part for well over a decade now. I've been running fluro lights everywhere, I don't have a hot water heater (I use a tank-less natural gas), I've got thick & tinted glazing throughout, insulation in walls and roof, gas heating, all my appliances have been purchased with energy consultion taken into considering, including "80+ Gold" rated PSU's in my computers.


    Sorry... frustrated rant... though it's all true :/

  4. #14
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    Superb post, Corey, take a well-deserved ovation.
    MY10 Golf MkVI 103TDI United Grey

  5. #15
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    Roll on election time, might be time for a change again.

  6. #16
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    Excellent post, Corey.
    2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.

  7. #17
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    Does this mean we r goin to pay carbon tax on importing car parts as well....? GST+Duty+Carbon= more on parts

  8. #18
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    See what happens when soulless Bogan red heads come into power!! Awesome Post though Corey... We are one of the biggest producers or bauxite, iron ore, coal, silver, copper, and uranium in the world, and yet we still dont have nuclear power, yet we sell uranium to the USA, India, China, Pakistan, and others!!
    "If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."

  9. #19
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    Can we all please stop referencing the Murdoch press and pretending it is an unbiased news source?

    Audi S3. Sold
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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ideo View Post
    Can we all please stop referencing the Murdoch press and pretending it is an unbiased news source? Thanks.
    Who has done this??
    "If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."

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