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Thread: Small car syndrome

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2008

    i guess if you only drive around the city, then sure - rock whatever car you think looks cool when you're standing outside it not actually driving it.

    i bought my polo tdi for a number of reasons:
    a) i go to the snow a lot. $120 per trip to the snow in my dad's (mostly parked) V8 discovery vs. $25 in the polo? just pottering around the city - $140 a week vs. $20? it's a no brainer.
    b) i dont have a family, and my car sees me being the only occupant 95% of the time. why do i need a family car? also, yes, fast 'n' furious was an ok movie at the time, but i dont see the need to buy anyone else's sloppy seconds from japan (hacked to the sh7t, then sold off to the used car market for insurance reasons)
    c) it's easy to drive in the city (i live in fitzroy, right off the end of the freeway)
    d) it's much more fun over reefton spur than than the discovery, or other family cars
    e) a good torque / weight ratio is always nice to have.

    one thing i dont understand though, is why are hatches considered "girls cars", and big sedans considered "mens cars"???

    arent large sedans, with their larger doors, wider, more accessible rear passenger seats and larger boots, more accommodating of the multiple baby seats, more than one pram in the boot, plenty of room for diapers and canisters of baby powder, as well as other things that go along with the whole act of bearing and raising / caring for children?

    maybe im missing something, but if i were someone who had given birth to children, and was faced with the task of caring for them all day / carting them around with me safely, as well as all their associated bits n pieces, what better car to drive than a large sedan - a very effective (family) woman's car, really.

    at the risk of pissing spyda off a little more, i DID used to cop A LOT of flack at work about driving a VW, by guys who didnt have a fcking clue what a gti or r32 was. all the time, they'd praise for'den, and rip on VW just because it is (to them) different.

    funny what magazine test results can do - they all seemed to shut the fck up when i one day said "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sh7t!!!!!!!!!!! your beloved supercharged WP VE - 2:17 around eastern creek in the dry, the HP GTI (fwd) - 2:01 in the WET!!!! ohhhhhhhh fck do you know how fcking bad that is? does the word 'brutal' or 'devastating' even BEGIN to describe that kind of utter obliteration?!?!?!".

    VW's arent bad cars. some people DO struggle to come to terms with the fact that they are NOT a "prestige" brand, but rather the toyota of germany, but that's something for them to deal with.

    i fly so low under the radar with my bog stock looking polo, that no one on the road gives me sht. they might pick on me (tail me), but that usually ends up with them receiving a 5 second blast of black smoke which reduces their vision to near zero in an instant, which makes them back off as they're frightened that they'll crash into something they cannot see, right in front of them. works like a treat.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buller_Scott View Post
    i fly so low under the radar with my bog stock looking polo, that no one on the road gives me sht. they might pick on me (tail me), but that usually ends up with them receiving a 5 second blast of black smoke which reduces their vision to near zero in an instant, which makes them back off as they're frightened that they'll crash into something they cannot see, right in front of them. works like a treat.
    Amen to that bro'
    Europeans understand that small can still be cool but we're too Americanised over here (did anyone mention SUV's yet )

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Hayman002 View Post
    same goes for the EOS...apparently because the roof goes down it is also a "girls" car...WTF...!!??

    who gives a s+++.....if we like our car enjoy it I reckon, bugger what others may think.....
    I agree 100%, I don't give a flying fig who thinks my Eos is a girly car, I like it and that's all that matters.

    What's really funny though is that the only people that ever refer to it as a girly car have been fellow VW owners on this forum!
    06 Jetta 2.0TFSI Killed by a Lexus!
    09 Eos 2.0TSI DSG Loved this car but has now gone to a new home!!
    14 EOS 2.0 TSI has arrived!

  4. #34
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    I never listen to people who yell out of their cars. to take notice of what they are saying is about the most useless thing you could do.

    i drive small car's because they are great , and VAG cars are great too.

    To me, anyone who puts ideas of status, symbol and car in the same sentence doesnt understand reality - whether you are "bogan" or "leafy suburbs".

    Since we've owned our mk1 cabrio, I've also learned that the best way to avoid people yelling at you is to 1) drive with your wife in the car, and 2) grow a massive beard, like I do.

    Besides, everyone I care about in my life also like the cars I own.
    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
    '98 Mk3 Cabriolet 2.0 8V
    '99 A4 Quattro 1.8T

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by gldgti View Post
    Besides, everyone I care about in my life also like the cars I own.
    awww thanks man!

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buller_Scott View Post
    awww thanks man!
    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
    '98 Mk3 Cabriolet 2.0 8V
    '99 A4 Quattro 1.8T

  7. #37
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    I have to say that within days of trading in my midlife crisis Ford GT on what I did indeed consider a more girly car, I started to appreciate what a smaller car could do, and the local drive through the hills took on a whole new meaning. I also suddenly noticed people pushing me around in the traffic, tailgaiting and cutting me off, something largely absent in the big ar$e Ford. It has been an interesting experience.

    I do look at the dudes in their HSV /GT's now and think "been there done that, moved on - thank god!"

    Those cars are big fun, but so unrefined!
    Last edited by Greg Roles; 17-09-2011 at 08:33 AM.
    2014 Skoda Yeti TDI Outdoor 4x4 | Audi Q3 CFGC repower | Darkside tune and Race Cams | Darkside dump pDPF | Wagner Comp IC | Snow Water Meth | Bilstein B6 H&R springs | Rays Homura 2x7 18 x 8" 255 Potenza Sports | Golf R subframe | Superpro sways and bushings | 034 engine mounts | MK6 GTI brakes |

  8. #38
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    I bought a golf just because i liked it, its as simple as that..... If others have a problem they can munch on a phat one .

    As far as people yelling out abuse, i must say i have never expreienced **** like that . Only every receive the thumbs up and the usual " nice wheels bro "
    Polo GTI
    T-Roc R
    Tiguan R
    Tiguan 162 Allspace Wolfsburg

  9. #39
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    I asked a girl out once when I had my RenaultSport Clio. She turned me down because my car was too small...... haha.

    I definitely didn't get rid of the car....

    When I got to work today - one of the admin people saw my GTI, and said "why did you get a coffin on wheels?". Wasn't really worthwhile bringing up the whole star rating system and why her Falcon wouldn't necessary save her life... somehow I don't think it would have sunk in!!
    Candy White MY12 GTI 5dr DSG
    Canyon Grey MY11 Touareg V6 TDI

  10. #40
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    May 2008

    Quote Originally Posted by Madman View Post
    I asked a girl out once when I had my RenaultSport Clio. She turned me down because my car was too small...... haha.
    that's why my dream stable would include a convertible bmw 3 series of some sort - cheapest current one available, of course, because i'd prefer to drive something else in the twisties.

    black BMW - that's all the dumb b7tches would need to see in order to start thinking about letting you pork them.

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