We have some amazing photographers here and I'd like to see all of you show off your creative side. Here are some of my better moments with my point and click.
one of my best, from up a trip up to NT year before last. have a few others, but this is the cream. May actually have been in FN South Aus.
Anything at http://members.iinet.net.au/~kevid/
I used to be a pro, but these days its all fun so I count myself an amateur.
1996 Golf VR6 Colour Concept Green
Ive got a few and i'm thinking of joining my local photography club but a bit apprehensive. they're all probably going to have crazy ass cameras compared to mine. Heres some of my better snaps, majority taken down the sth coast at my holiday house..
a lil something
VW: it aint just a car, its a way of life
There are few things more satisfying in life than finding a solution to a problem and implementing it
My Blog: tinkererstales.blogspot.com.au
yes i do have more pics
not my pic
Last edited by jezzat05; 05-11-2009 at 06:54 PM.