youve got a beautiful daughter there mate . your a lucky man. nice shots to btw i really like the bonzai.
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youve got a beautiful daughter there mate . your a lucky man. nice shots to btw i really like the bonzai.
some happy snaps of my recent Thredbo trip:
view from our balcony, looking up the Supertrail
Me attempting to be a 'professional' instructor with +1 Nikki
Sastrugi on Rocks, taken at 2100m walking towards Koscuiszko
some windsculpted snow
Me and the 3 kids
(Nikki has begged me to stop taking my new board to bed with me!!)
That looks good, I've only seen that in the summer when it's green and alot of rocks... Looks a hell of alot better in snow !
P.s the 'i' goes before the 'u' in Kosciuszko ....
While i'm on it, General trivia Kosciuszko is not pronounced "Kosie-osko" it's actually "Kos-choo-shko"
Those photo's are sick Gareth! I still haven't been to the snow since school :cry:
thanks tom, well aware of the spelling, was merely a typo. (been there 6 times so far).
I suspect you will have a huge task trying to convince all the locals of the correct pronunciation. having said that, just coz the Polish pronounce it one way, doesnt mean to say we cant choose a different way! :P
My next target is USA or Canada - the planning begins!! (unfortunately this is going to set me back up to $30k. any one want to buy some kids off me?).
get them up there Mrk_Mickey, even if its for a relatively cheap snow-play holiday.
Snow is god!!:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:.
thought as much! and too right you can choose to say it a different way, tom-a-to, tom-ah-to... I've been there a few times and when I pronounce it the Polish way I get blank stares from the locals.... Then I go on my rant about how to pronounce it :biggrin: always up for a challenge!
I heard that it's sometime cheaper to go on a snow trip to NZ then to Snow trip within OZ.
a canon 400d with a canon 50mm f1.8 , a little sharpening and tonal adjustment (with digital photo professional canon software) but basically out of the camera
i mostly shoot lowest f stop possible as i love short depth of field, and the crisp contrast on the subject matter
The photos look great mate, cheers for the info on that. I also love that style, it's a great way to frame content and create strong focal points. I mostly shoot in Av mode too but my lens doesn't go as low as 1.8.