Very nice Phil...Is it a Yak or a La??
I'm in the process of finishing off an Aussie Beaufighter from the Tamiya 1/48 kit atm.
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Very nice Phil...Is it a Yak or a La??
I'm in the process of finishing off an Aussie Beaufighter from the Tamiya 1/48 kit atm.
It's the Academy La-7 in 1/48, here is my Beau
& thanks preeny, there are many that are far better than I, I just build what I like to the standard I want, which is why I've been in a slump for 2 years. For some reason I lost confidence with my airbrush ( around the time I found this forum!) & just stopped. I'm not the type of modeler who will have multiple builds on the go at once so if something stops me everything stops..:duh: & sometimes its hard to get started again.
In this case, I walked into my model room one night a couple of weeks back, walked to my stash of kits ( I have several hundred to build before I die..:wasntme:)without the lights on & selected a box! The La-7 is the result...:biggrin:
I know what you are saying there too...I havn't touched a kit in about 18 months, but last weekend, I dragged the air compressor inside, and went to my stash of kits(I have about 300 inbuilt kits in DHA packing boxes).
By looking at your very nice Beau, I have put the wrong rear gunners position on, so I will have to remove it...Bugger!!
You need to check the reference for the a/c you are doing, the ozy beaus had a range of combinations. This one was built for a friend & he wanted this particular a/c to look like this, I would have weathered the daylights out of it if it had been for my own display!
:o Paint on that Beau looks fantastic!
Thanks Ray, it's aeromaster acrylic ( I don't think its available in Oz anymore...:frown: ) shot through an aztek 470 at about 15 psi. I wasn't very happy when I had to hand this one over, but the owner was ecstatic. What you can't see from the photos is the full resin interior..:eek:
what i ment was, becuase full frame uses no croping at all it uses the full extent of the glass your using, including the weaker parts of your lenses (around the the very edge). the manufacturing process of lenses always has the best picture quality towards the middle of your lense. dont get me wrong full frame will always be better in sharpness and clarity, the only flours you will see will always be at the edges of your pictures.
Yes, all the markings are decals. The La-7 is kit decals, the Beaufighter is an aftermarket decal sheet. The trick to decals is laying them over a clear gloss coat followed by a clear coat over the top. This process hides the decal film.
The rivit & panel line detail is highlighted using a dark wash after painting & decaling.
It's easy enough, just takes practice..:biggrin: