Cheers was taken at the top of the cliff over looking the beach :)
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got these with my phone today as a dust storm rolled in
still got dust in my eyes
WOW thats really bad.... down in suburbia you could see a massave red haze filling the sky... it looked worrying
no windows so i cant see out lol
nearly feel sorry for my apprentice who will have to
sweep the workshop in the morning!!!!! not :)
wow those dust storm pics look nasty.. almost could pass for a picture in the desert..
That storm was absolutely crazy let me tell you.
I came out from work to find a tree branch had fallen on my LHF guard & bonnet.
Not much damage. Ah well. What you going to do about it.
Didn't really care that much as its just a commuter/cruiser. My mate was more pissed off about it than I was.
Just wish a bigger branch had fallen on the roof!
I didn't feel so bad once I seen a new Porsche also sport a very nice set of "Tree Branch Roof Racks". :rolleyes:
They must have been heavy as it caved the roof in & the front & rear screen's were smashed! :rolleyes:
Yeah - I saw that porsche on the news. What a waste of a good car...
It was a turbo too wasn't it?!
We got sent home from uni on wednesday, cause it was too dangerous. We have some big sails that have been put up over an eating area, except they got all ripped up! and they were flailing everywhere in the wind, making loud cracking whip noises so I heard...
All this from a Tornado in WA too!
I was out tonight with the camera in the car after a storm had passed Richmond & moved over Sydney so I stopped at the back of RAAF Richmond & took these shots