That is a major problem, old ways change but the old people such as I do not want to change. We think that the way we did things is the way things should be still done but it does not work out like that. The panel beating industry has changed to R&R and so the mechanical side will do the same in spite of us wishing otherwise. Case in point, a leaking high pressure fuel pump the other day, the front seal was leaking, car in warranty, ring the manufacturer to determine how they want to handle it. We knew what they would say and we were told to order a new one so it gets R&R'd not repaired. The plus side to this is labour time is kept to a minimum and the customer gets a brand new item not a repaired unit. I have to ask, where is the down side to putting a brand new item on it instead of risking a repair that might not be successful.
I think a customer who has bought a new car that develops a problem should have new parts fitted where possible. Diagnostic ability is going to be single most important skill to have in the new tech world we are entering for maybe the next decade then even that will be done remotely as some trucks are diagnosed now via a SIM card. That will progress to cars sending a code and the owner getting a message to take it to a dealer for rectification, all done without the owner being aware of the fault in the first place. Welcome to the brave new world of tech, now where did I put that bloody laptop, I can't fix a thing without that.