I reconditioned my from brakes about 6 months ago on my 1976 Golf. Calipers went off and got recond' by a reputable business, replaced front pads, replaced brake fluid, discs got machined. Same method done for the rear drums.
Brakes were working fine when I was finished with the job. Now the car has been sitting for about 4 months, started up fine, put the vehicle in drive (automatic transmission) and it didnt budge, I put my foot down, revs went up, you can feel the car pushing but it isn't going anywhere, At the same time you can hear the front calipers are shut and squeaking while im giving it gas. I pumped the brake pedal still no difference.
So on the weekend Im going to fiddle around and see what went wrong . Any Ideas why it might be seized?? And if I done anything wrong in the process of reconditioning which helped them to seize?? That was my first time on reconditioning the brakes so maybe I stuffed up somewhere??
-'75 Passat TS
-'75 Passat TS (Project)
No....its not a Piss-sat its a Pass-sat!!
It might be rusted float pins stopping the pads from releasing — I've had it happen on other makes, though not to the extent of stopping the car from moving.