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Thread: SD and HD set top boxes

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    SD and HD set top boxes

    Just thought i would inform people who dont already know the difference between a Standard Defenition (SD) Digital set top box and High Defenition (HD) Digital set top box.

    We get alot....actualy just about every customer we get in to the store thinks they need a HD set to box to watch digital TV. After seeing the adds on tv saying that you have to hook up a HD set top box to your analog tv to watch digital chanels i thought no wonder people have no idea and are spend $70-80 more than they have to on set top boxes.

    These are some of the common misconceptions:
    - Channels in HD have different programs than SD chanels.
    - Digital means HD
    - When watching HD on a normal analog telly you get a better picture

    All wrong!!!

    -Everything that is broadcast on HD chanels, by law, has to be broadcast in SD.
    - Digital and HD are two different things.
    - If your TV only suports 576 defenition then thats all your going to see, so watching a 1080i HD program on a 576i Analog telly you wont be getting anything more than 576.

    Bottom line is you prity much never need a HD set top box as most HD tellys come with them built in and most set top box consumers are buying them for analog tellys which dont benefit from HD anyway. So when you are going to upgrade to digital TV and you have a older analog tv save yourself $70 and get a $30 SD set top box.

    I hope this has sorted it out for a few people.
    MK1 GLS 3door
    A4 B7 2.0T

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    isnt that one hd (sport one) only on hd? but yea this makes sence

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by sortofbigbj View Post
    isnt that one hd (sport one) only on hd? but yea this makes sence
    Nope EVERY things thats on HD is on SD. Dems da lawz
    MK1 GLS 3door
    A4 B7 2.0T

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    There is no SD version of One HD in Canberra.

    There is here in Melbourne, but not in Canberra (at least when I left in January). Canberra gets SD Southern Cross 10 and One HD ONLY.

  5. #5
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    HD set top box is useful if you want to use a computer monitor with HDMI input to view TV (like we do in the bedroom). Also useful if you use professional monitors that don't come with built-in tuners.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    also doesn't hd have better sound?
    MY10 Skoda Octavia Wagon 1.8TSI DSG Anthracite Grey.

  7. #7
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    What im trying to say is if you dont have TV's or audio systems that suport HD then you dont need a HD set top box.

    Most of the stuff on HD isnt HD anyway, there are more adds in HD then there are programs.

    Quote Originally Posted by shogun2 View Post
    HD set top box is useful if you want to use a computer monitor with HDMI input to view TV (like we do in the bedroom). Also useful if you use professional monitors that don't come with built-in tuners.
    I supose i should have said that if your moitor, tv or audio system doesnt suport HD then there is realy no point in having the HD chanels.

    Whats a "professional monitor"?
    MK1 GLS 3door
    A4 B7 2.0T

  8. #8
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    I read somewhere that One HD was re-broadcast in SD, although I have never bothered to find out having a HD TV and all.

    HD can have better sound, but unless you have something to decode it your only getting stereo sound out of your crappy TV speakers.

    While HD does look much much better than SD, reality is that a nice clean SD picture is so much better than analog anyway.

    We have Foxtel (non HD version) and watch *most* of our TV through that. Ocassionally when watching the footy I will switch over the the TV itself to get HD + better sound. Reality is that while it does look better I'd rather have the live pause and rewind I get through the IQ box than the better picture...

    Again movies in full 1080 are fantastic, but if a movie is anygood you get into it and barely notice these things after a while anyway. Mind you, given the choice I will always buy the BluRay over the DVD these days

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyda View Post

    Whats a "professional monitor"?
    Something like:


    These are monitors that would be used in professional installations.
    Golf V TDI 2005 - SOLD
    Volvo C30 D5 - I've got a hat as well!
    Multivan Highline T5 TDI 4Motion 2005
    Hond Civic VTI 2001

  10. #10
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    very informative spyder. thanx for the heads up.
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