It's OK by me mate, but I'll discuss this with the other moderators to see if it's OK. Give me 24 hours.
After being messed around by the ethics committee at my uni I need to get some participants for my 4th year psych research quick smart (the thesis is due in 4 weeks, but I've applied for an extension). I would never just spam the forum, so I'm asking for permission.
In a nutshell the research is looking at how people's decisional style effects their workplace email usage. It will require people to record the number of personal and work related emails they receive and reply to for 5 days and then fill out an online survey all up it will take about 30 mins spread over 5 days. More details are available here Page Title
If you say it will be OK, I'll post an expanded explanation in the general discussion forum and VWWatercooled will get an honourable mention in my thesis
It's OK by me mate, but I'll discuss this with the other moderators to see if it's OK. Give me 24 hours.
Sorry, I am too busy replying to my email to consider this.
Ok fellow Dubbers, it is time to help a member in need. This is the final assessment piece for my postgraduate diploma in psychology. After this (depending on my final grades...I'm right on track for first class honours) I'll either be applying for a masters in clinical psychology or a doctorate (so I really will be Dr. Dogg ). To participate you need to be employed in a role where you have access to workplace email.
It has been approved by the Monash University ethics committee (CF10/1658 – 2010000921) and I need to quickly gather the data before the due date of 5th November. All details are available at Page Title but basically you will need to record your workplace email behaviour in an Excel spreadsheet communication diary (see below) for 5 days and then fill out an online survey that will consist of the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire and the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale and the totals calculated by the communication diary.
The whole process of recording your email behaviour and filling out the survey will take no longer than 30 minutes, so even though it looks daunting, it really is quite an easy process. I would also appreciate it if you could forward this on to other people who you think might participate because I need as many participants as possible to make it statistically sound.
Unfortunately I can not entice you to participate by giving away cash prizes or gift vouchers but you will earn yourself “Research Karma” and my eternal gratitude. Provided I can get enough participants, there is a good chance this research will be published in an industry journal.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me using PM or the details shown on the explanatory statement
Last edited by doc dogg; 01-10-2010 at 05:32 PM.
I'll do it.
Glad to help another tig/student out.
Thanks Team_v, I really appreciate it.
No worries.
It is interesting to see how many emails have been work/personal so far and it's only day 1.
When I started testing the spreadsheet I thought I would send about the same number of work/personal, I was surprised to see that most were work related. Even more surprising is that half of the work email I receive, I delete without replying or saving because they are not relevant to me. When I looked it up, there is even a term for it, "bacn"
In like sin. I feel like im always using the email at work it will be interesting to see the count.
I was given an extension due to the uni messing me around with ethics approval, so the new deadline for receiving all the data is now 5th November. So if you haven't started participating due to the short time frame, you don't have an excuse now