And as usual those who love to have an argument and not accept anyone else's opinion and/or have to rebut everything get another thread closed.

For what it's worth from the sounds of it the cop had nothing better to do and was looking to find something wrong for the sake of it. Those who think that traffic cops don't do this need to pull their head out of the sand. Even amongst the various departments, most of the feedback I've heard over the years say that pretty much all proper police officers have a dislike for them. That said I respect the police force in general and what they do (if they actually show up).

Attending accidents etc must be a difficult job and that part deserves respect for the traffic police but at the end of the day there's a reason that nearly everyone jumps on the brakes and nearly cause accidents and generally become even worse drivers whenever there is a police car around them in traffic (hint it's caused by fear of being fined for petty reasons).

As always these are my opinions and things I have heard. Others may have different opinions or have heard otherwise. That's how society works.


/End Thread