It's not a case of whether i can afford it or not and it's just that sort of apathy that allows fuel companies to get away with blatant price fixing.
Doesn't it piss you off just a little bit that prices go up so much seemingly over night and for no real reason?
I would ride a bike but it's a little difficult balancing a weekly shop on the handle bars.
I love this topic, I think fuel is so cheap, I have been in Oz for nearly 2 years when I left the Uk BP ultimate was £1.54 per ltr, that's nearly $2.50 and it's prob more now lol.
Current car :- 09 R36 wagon
Previous car :- 94 Nissan R32 Sykline 500bhp Silver 2dr
I know it's from the "left wing, hippy media" and it's quite long but have a read of this article from Rolling Stone published in 2009 regarding the control "big banking" has over comodities pricing. It's quite enlightning...
my fuel meter was on 1/4 before empty, so i went to fill it up..... i paid $70! (98 RON) -.- this is in my mk4 gti. MY FIRST FILL UP for this baby and i got slammed with $70 lol worst than my Nissan 180sx
All the anti-fuelwatch stuff in the eastern states was a laugh. It's such a good service, I know exactly where I'm going to get the cheapest fuel the day before!
On Tuesday I travelled 360km using just 18 litresI only fill up once a month, and bugger me, petrol is one of the cheapest liquids you can buy, so you can't complain, save that for another crisis.
MY14.5 VW Polo 81tsi Comfortline - Candy White - Comfort Pack