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Thread: Pity the Europeans can,t see the follly of their ways .

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    It's interesting that Mr Biermann, the former head of BMW's M division and a 30 year BMW veteran has suddenly changed his perspective on technology now that his pay packet comes from a lower tech manufacturer.

    As for "We have a solid Hyundai steel platform, tonnes of high-strength steel – okay, it’s a little bit heavier than the other cars", in other words, we can't get the weight down on this car so we'll pitch it's extra weight and low tech as a positive.

    High tech maybe the high end manufacturers marketing hype, excess weight and low tech is Hyundai's marketing hype. It's all about creating a perception.


    06 Jetta 2.0TFSI Killed by a Lexus!
    09 Eos 2.0TSI DSG Loved this car but has now gone to a new home!!
    14 EOS 2.0 TSI has arrived!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    If car manufacturers are not offering anything "new and improved" then people will not spend money to keep upgrading.. we would still be driving beetles and kombis around... this is no difference to any other manufacturer... look at TV's and electronic devices... gaming consoles.. whitegoods... gee now my fridge can connect to the internet and order **** that I'm running out of...
    so this is nothing new... but in the end people must want it otherwise it would not be offered...
    You also need to factor in the safety aspect of newer cars... tech is improving to improve safety.
    "I like to think the reason I got my license in the first place was that i was taught how to use my eyes and my brain and my common sense while driving"
    This is the reason we have so much tech in cars to "assist" us while driving... because people are not using common sense anymore.
    Ultimately we are heading towards autonomous cars as people will eventually no longer be trusted to drive.
    1974 1300 Beetle, 1997 Golf GL, 2003 New Beetle Cabrio, 2014 Audi A4 quattro

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by blutopless2 View Post
    "I like to think the reason I got my license in the first place was that i was taught how to use my eyes and my brain and my common sense while driving"
    This is the reason we have so much tech in cars to "assist" us while driving... because people are not using common sense anymore.
    Ultimately we are heading towards autonomous cars as people will eventually no longer be trusted to drive.
    Its not so much common sense as much as autonomous can detect things well before we can. Yes my car annoys me when it thinks I'm gonna rearend a car slowing down to go around a corner. But you know what, plenty of people get hit from behind. If that stops someone else hitting me who got distracted by kids in the back etc than so be it. Same with parking sensors, plenty of people bagged them, but if it means your car doesn't get hit in a car park as often, then it was worth it. We have more cars on the road than ever before, which means more chances for crap to happen, so anything to minimise that is worth it. And even people who were taught to use their eyes and brain and common sense like my grandfather, one day can no longer rely on them as well, and mysterious scrapes start appearing on their car. What you have now might one day fail you and the car might just be the difference between being around longer and not.

  4. #14
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    Gosford Central Coast NSW
    I'm not sure you're going to get the affirmation of beliefs you are looking for here.

    Despite the hyperbole you quoted, the reality is that the majority of manufacturers, regardless of what part of the world they originate from, make both basic and high end vehicles. In recent years VAG has done a pretty poor job of some of the aspects of their vehicles, some of those being quite serious. I would argue that they have done quite a good job at the high end of the market however. There are marques with justifiably bad reputations with regard to reliability in the luxury end of things (Land Rover!) but I don't think VAG is one of them.

    You seem to believe that the market forces work back-to-front... manufacturers put various technologies in their vehicles not because they demand that consumers buy it, but because consumers demand they want it. The products are a reflection of the market. A new base model golf or polo has emergency city braking not because VAG think its a good idea, but because people who buy the cars think its a good idea.

    All of this to say that if you don't want it... then don't buy it! Its as simple as that. If the manufacturer isn't making what you want, go elsewhere..... I'm sure Hyundai would love your custom.

    There is no conspiracy to turn us all into mindless passengers in autonomous cars full of "useless" technology.
    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
    '98 Mk3 Cabriolet 2.0 8V
    '99 A4 Quattro 1.8T

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunny43.5 View Post
    Without starting WW 111 I think some are missing the point , many of the things we are seeing in cars today are not worth having or cannot be trusted or were badly conceived . If we want to enjoy driving cars we should avoid all this stuff as car makers are pushing us towards autonomous cars , now where is the fun in that , plus from an old guy I like to think the reason I got my license in the first place was that i was taught how to use my eyes and my brain and my common sense while driving . I was taught how to reverse park , now days too many people are buying a car with all this stuff just because it saves them from using their brain .
    Point one...Not everyone enjoys driving cars, to some it is onerous but necessary and some of that tech makes that task easier and less onerous.

    When I first got my license cars did not even have heaters and those that did the fan was optional so I appreciate all the modern tech that cars now have and all I can say is bring on the rest. My first driving course was live in 8 weeks full time and we had to reverse park a Landrover with a trailer on the back between two other vehicles among other stuff that was equally as hard. I went on to driving trucks full time and when the first autos became available on our fleet my dreams came true.

  6. #16
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    The Hyundai is not a cheap car anymore. Their cheapest models are competing with VW and all Japanese brands, their top of the range models cost well over $40,000 which in my books is a lot for a low tech car that until now is unreliable when it gets closer to these 10years of age, so I really don’t know what he’s about?

    All that European new technology was right until now copied by Korean companies once it was perfected, so they should be greatfull for that.

  7. #17
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    Dec 2010
    I had a customer question why the battery we fitted to their Mazda was $500 with no generic equivalent available. No car is cheap to own any more, whatever the brand.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Gosford Central Coast NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by Ozsko View Post
    I had a customer question why the battery we fitted to their Mazda was $500 with no generic equivalent available. No car is cheap to own any more, whatever the brand.
    Thats an interesting one actually.

    The day I brought my Touareg home I knew I would need to change the battery. So I pull it out and call the local battery specialist, who says "Thats an odd size battery, hardly anyone makes them and they are really expensive. We dont even supply them. BUT, we do supply a battery of exactly the same specifications, width, height and post configuration. Different part number, exact equivalent battery. $240.

    You'll forgive me if I dont remember the actual part numbers :shrugs:
    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
    '98 Mk3 Cabriolet 2.0 8V
    '99 A4 Quattro 1.8T

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Call me thick but I don't follow that.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Hyundai have expensive servicing and parts, when Kia charge far less for the exact same things.We got the previous shape Santa Fe and the new variant went up nearly 7k over the outgoing. Same engine/drivetrain, most of the mechanicals etc. Each new model they bump up the price a bit more locally, but in other countries they are way cheaper so its pretty obvious we are being done over here.

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