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Thread: One horrific accident on the Great Ocean Road.... Is that a MK6 GTI?

  1. #1
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    One horrific accident on the Great Ocean Road.... Is that a MK6 GTI?

    I sincerely pray and hope that the GTI doesn't belong to anyone on this forum.... but that is a heavily damaged GTI?? and a deceased driver...

    Thoughts go out to the families of the deceased and injured.
    Last edited by OEM G60; 02-12-2012 at 07:16 AM.

  2. #2
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    Mate that is horrific.

    Sadly there is a family mourning the loss of a son, brother and maybe husband? Certainly the women who survived requires pray and God speed her recovery. She was meant to live for a reason.

    Read the comments' regarding the locals feedback on habits of tourists.

    Points South Hotel owner Bryan James said the road was not dangerous but people were often distracted by the scenery or tourists who forgot which side of the road to drive on.

    Mr James said he travelled the road daily and often saw tourists stopped dangerously on the road.

    "You'll get tourists who stop in the middle of the road to look at the view or a koala," he said.

    The Cape Patton lookout was also a draw card that people had to cross lanes to get into, he said'

    We treat this sort of behaviour with disgust but have we done similar things?

    With deep respect Al
    Last edited by Polo GTEye N9; 02-12-2012 at 08:10 AM.

  3. #3
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    Looking at the wheels, they look like the new version of detroits. So sadly I think it is a mk6 2dr GTI

    Such a horrific accident. Thoughts go out to the families.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by robbie View Post
    I sincerely hope that the GTI doesn't belong to anyone on this forum.... but that is a heavily damaged GTI?? and a deceased driver...
    My precise thoughts when I saw the photo.

    One report claimed the driver ended up 20 metres from the car?
    Former owner of MY12 GTD with DSG

  5. #5
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    Goran Bosnjak was a friend of mine and my family,his family is mourning a loss of and good son and brother , he was not married.
    He was not a forum member but was on here casually.
    He was in love with his 2 door mk6 gti and sadly ended his life in it.
    My thoughts are with his family and praying to god for his soul.
    RIP Goran you will be missed.
    Last edited by dado; 02-12-2012 at 06:01 PM.

  6. #6
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    Not nice.

    My thoughts go out to his family, relatives and friends.

    I'm amazed his passenger survived such a horrific accident.
    08 Golf GTI - SOLD

  7. #7
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    Sadly, it takes just a moment's inattention for this to happen. This is why it is so dangerous to have your concentration on anything other than your driving and the road ahead. No one sets out to do this, but it can happen to anyone.

    No amount of advanced driver training will protect you in situations like this. The road is narrow and you have oncoming traffic. You simply do not have the room to do anything once you get beyond a certain point. Also, even the most experienced drivers will freeze when they realise what is happening, and so the chances of recovery are essentially non-existent.

    Just keep reminding yourself of the fact that you are in control of a huge mass, and that it requires your complete attention. At least you have then done everything you can to minimise any possible incident involving you or anyone else.

  8. #8
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    Colac police Sergeant John Lee yesterday said the crash "may be more than an accident".

    "The vehicle has hit the guard rail and gone over the cliff," Sgt Lee said. "There are no skid marks on the road. Usually a driver would brake or try to swerve, but there's none of that."

    I find this a strange comment from a Police Sgt, given that virtually all new cars have ABS, you would not expect to see skid marks even if the brakes were applied hard.

  9. #9
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    You would however possibly see tyre marks trying to turn away from edge as they scrub during hard braking.

    Have seen recent crash marks from cars which would have had ABS and still leave marks.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melon Head View Post
    I find this a strange comment from a Police Sgt, given that virtually all new cars have ABS, you would not expect to see skid marks even if the brakes were applied hard.
    You will still get "yaw" marks where the wheel will be sliding sideways while still rotating indicating that some evasive action was taken.

    The thing is that if the driver was distracted, then perhaps there was no time to do anything.

    Maybe the ECU will give some clue.

    On ABS, yes, it is strange that even in a straight collision where there was no steering input, the accident investigators still seem fixed on looking for skid marks to indicate that braking was attempted. It also amuses me to see on the NZ TV show SCU where they attempt to get the friction coefficient of the road surface by locking the wheels on the test car! They get values of 0.6 where a car will easily achieve a value close to 1 if the wheels are not locked during braking.

    The other odd thing is that I would have thought the police vehicles would have ABS, so how did they get the wheels to lock!!


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