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Thread: Not a car question

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Robina Gold Coast
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    Not a car question

    Ok I bought a new. Samsung led. 55". Smart TV 22 months ago. At the same time I paid for an extra 4 years extended warranty. Last week I noticed black vertical lines in the TV's screen.
    I rang the warranty people. Who came and took the tv back to their repair workshop. They rang and told me the repair assessment had been sent to the warranty insurance. Company .
    Today I was informed that the tv is not worth repairing and I will either be getting a replacement. Or my money returned. I asked if I had only used one year of the four year. Extended warranty would it be transferred on to the new tv's
    I was told it would. Not be as the warranty was with this tv's. Now if I had of bought a two year instead four year I would not mind but to loose 3 years of a 4 year warranty does not seem right. ?

  2. #2
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    As you say this is a car forum so you are severely off topic. Luckily I have had intense dealings with Samsung as my sons TV had 3 high rated faults in 3 years. We didnt have an extended warranty but had a 3 year warranty on the TV at that time.

    After protracted dealings with Samsung by which time it was 4 years old they offered us 25% of its cost or a replacement model which was inferior to what we had.

    I refused and said I would go to Fair Trading (Which is where you should be asking this question) I eventually got paid out 50% which enabled us to buy a bigger better model than what we had,
    You would have to read the conditions of the Warranty as with insurance if you get a payout the policy ends because you have been paid out. You cant eat your cake and then get second helpings

    A product is expected to last a time commisurate with its price and expected usage life and 2 years is far from long enough for a TV.

    Incidentally sons had vertical lines in it twice and had 2 new screens and a new main board before we settled.

    Is your warranty offered by a certain large retailer which now has replacement warranties, unlike their previous ones which werent worth the paper they were printed on
    Last edited by Guest001; 19-02-2016 at 08:23 PM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  3. #3
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    They call it a warranty, but it's really an insurance policy - with an insurance company.

    Think of it in terms of insurance. If you write off your car (your fault or not) the insurance policy pays you out, and you don't get a refund of any remaining premium - because the insurance company delivered on the contract, as you paid them to do. The insurance policy doesn't carry over to your next car - you need to start again with a new policy (and possibly a higher premium).
    Former owner of MY12 GTD with DSG

  4. #4
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    Yes. Firstly. They said the. Tv was repairable. So the 4 year warranty would of carried on , but after the cost of the repair was forwarded on to the insurance company They must of decided it was cheaper for them. To write it off even though the tv was still quite watchable. It had about 20 thin pencil lines vertical on the screen. So now I await their decision. A replacement or a payout. In the meantime. I'm left watching a 32" in a big room.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by ian View Post
    Yes. Firstly. They said the. Tv was repairable. So the 4 year warranty would of carried on , but after the cost of the repair was forwarded on to the insurance company They must of decided it was cheaper for them. To write it off even though the tv was still quite watchable. It had about 20 thin pencil lines vertical on the screen. So now I await their decision. A replacement or a payout. In the meantime. I'm left watching a 32" in a big room.
    Lucky you have 2 arent you. If you arent happy go to fair trading. As said above its not really a warranty, its insurance and will be treated as such. You get a payout, end of story.

    I had problems with a lounge suite and after 4 months it got replaced. I had a 4 year Care warranty which was transferred to the new one. But the suite was replaced by the maker and the warranty was a 3rd party one who agreed to transfer it. Rather different to your case.

    Your question is best directed to Fair Trading in NSW if you arent happy. We can only offer an opinion on what happened to us.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  6. #6
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    You may have remedies under Statutory Warranty. I would have thought it'd be reasonable to seek a pro-rata refund of your original total purchase price, including what you paid for extended warranty.

    In any case, extended warranty is a load of hogwash and IMHO just a means to bleed more $$ out of the poor sucker called "the consumer". No real point because these kinds of warranties usually are full of "gotcha" clauses that'll manufacturers and retailers off the hook. Having said that, not everyone knows about Statutory Warranty, and how much more robust it is compared to extended warranty.

    For more information, have a read of this guide: ACCC - Warranties & Refunds; A Guide for Consumers & Business

    1981 Honda Civic hatch. Proper AUTO REVERSE cassette player. AM/FM with Stereo speakers. Four (yep, FOUR!) speed manual. Full cloth trim seats. HALOGEN lightbulbs! Factory options fitted: rear wipers and washer, "Go Fast" wheel covers & electric front windows.

  7. #7
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    I think he has been compensated for the TV but is moaning about the warranty. In the Op he himself describes it as Warranty Insurance.

    Therefore as we have said if they pay out on the insured item the policy ends. Losing that amount would be less than buying a new TV but he should still approach Fair Trading.

    This is not really the place for a definite answer on it.
    Last edited by Guest001; 20-02-2016 at 08:42 AM.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

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