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Thread: No welcome mat at VWWatercooled

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    central coast. Lake Macquarie. (Not Port Macquarie.)

    No welcome mat at VWWatercooled

    Guy's what has happened to the welcome mat at the door of the newbies corner.

    Noticed a newbie posted over 16 hours ago and no reply's, then when I check
    out the newbies section a number of old post with no welcome from any of us.
    Yes I'm to blame as well and will do my utmost to welcome others and hope others will to.
    I think we take for granted what a good forum this is compared to others.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Users Country Flag
    Neil that is a very poor show. Thankyou for bringing this up so we can make sure people are welcomed properly

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    i've delved into the welcome to vwwa forum from time to time, but to be honest (as a somewhat reg who's merely enthused by dubs...)

    i reckon, in line with the forum 'rules', many peeps might head to the welcome/new dubbers section in fear of being dismissed by regs in the main forums by pain of being told "you didnt introduce yourself properly", but in order for many of the regs to visit a) general section; b) specific model section; and in my case c) diesel section; as well as other sites that pertain to our vw interests (not to mention non-vw blogs etc), we'd need a good few hrs a day to do so, which i dont have, practically.

    perhaps a ''welcome to the vwwa community + general discussion" section?

    i reckon we should bring the newbies into the most viewed part of the website, rather than having to have the regs go to them.... we are, after all, a welcoming community, right?

    can i hear an amen?

    p.s it IS pretty bad though..... e.g. ive seen threads with young bucks introducing themselves, saying how they dont have much cash but they're fresh outta high school and they've been saving for ages to get a vr6... only to have practically no replies/ messages of welcome weeks later.... whichever dub it might be (although i will always have a soft spot for guys who went out of their way to make their first car a vr), let's bring 'em to us!!!
    Last edited by Buller_Scott; 19-12-2009 at 10:39 PM.


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