Regardless of what you call them, they arrive on boats illegally. They shoud be turned back and/or sent back to where they came from immediately!
What "horrific and racist" actions has the current or former government commited in the past? None! I'm not say we shouldn't feel sorry for what was done in the past. That's a given. But would you apologise to the Africans that were kidnapped and taken to America to be sold as slaves? No. Why? You didn't do it! Doesn't mean it's not horrible and sad. Apologising for something it didn't do is stupid for ANY government!
80,000km 1997 MK3 VR6 manual for sale -
New Prime Minister is the topic. She is a member of the Labor Party so how is talking about their policy (and therefore her policy which she has openly supported) off topic? If we're just to talk about the new PM then there is not going to be any substance in this thread whatsoever and it may as well be closed.
80,000km 1997 MK3 VR6 manual for sale -
In regards to the fact she is female? I dont see that as being of consequence. Surely if people believe in equality then they cant even raise an eyebrow at that?
In regards to the boat people problem. I sympathise with any person that finds themselves in a situation to want to undertake such a dangerous journey.
Having said that I think Malcolm Turnbull made a very interesting point recently when he was interviewed. Basically he said that accepting people arriving illegally with open arms just fuels the people smuggling trade. And thats exactly what it is. There are people that profit from their desperation. His thoughts were that we need to do more work to cut out the middle man. So yes accept refugees, but do it proactively. Not reactively.
80,000km 1997 MK3 VR6 manual for sale -
Whats in her pants is of zero interest to me. Im more interested in whats in her head!
So far in the few words that have been said she has put a lot of emphasis on her working class roots. Lets hope that translates into policy that is fair for everyone and not a bias in favour of the working class man.
wow! a new person running the country, now some people are going to be happy and other people arnet... wooptie doo..........
what a stupid topic, join some politics forum if you wanna tal about booring crap like this.... and no! i dont care what anyone has to say because im not going to look back into this thread again....
stop posting crappy general chat topics.......
Whats up?
a) Things not going well on your trip?
b) You're a closet Krudd fan
c) You're home from holidays and you want to be back at Worthersee?! (In which case, welcome back + great photos!)
p.s. Sorry for starting this thread Dom. ;P
Last edited by Jayse; 24-06-2010 at 02:56 PM.
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