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Thread: New Prime Minister!

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    This could get become a very messy thread, in no time at all.

    It's interesting to hear. Will make for an interesting next election, that's for sure!

    i like volkswagens
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyda View Post
    I have no idea whats going on. I dont realy follow politics, its to difficult to sort through the rubish. What did Rud do to get kicked out? Why is the ranga a better option? Did the mining companies have a hand in it?

    The labor party itself put forward a vote for the leadership of the party, so basically certain members of the labor party vote for their leader in this case the PM. Turns out Rudd actually stood down and didn't take it to a vote.

    Good riddance I say he was a complete dudd, all in all though not much will change the labor party will always spend all our money, put on new taxes and basically make a mess of it all then the Libs will get back and actually manage everything better until labor stuffs it all up again.

    I also agree with Rocket on this one, that makes two of us! what's going on!
    76 MkI 3 door - daily drive/project - 1.8 5speed
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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryana89 View Post
    I agree with spyda
    What was wrong with Kevin?
    He gave us money
    He bought a computer for us
    He gave us insulation for free

    Ive never seen any other polly do as many good things as him.
    Hang on isn't there a rule not to talk about politics on this forum

    All those things he "gave" use have to be paid for by us in the end via taxes so he we didn't get anything other than a larger national debt!

    The worldwide government solution to the financial crisis is scary, lets fix a problem caused by out of control debt and bankers by putting ourselves into higher debt levels...

    woops, holy double post batman!
    76 MkI 3 door - daily drive/project - 1.8 5speed
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by static1800 View Post

    I also agree with Rocket on this one, that makes two of us! what's going on!
    +3 omg the earth is going to end
    Quote Originally Posted by seangti View Post
    The price of the car rarely indicates driver ability/lap time.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by static1800 View Post
    All those things he "gave" use have to be paid for by us in the end via taxes so he we didn't get anything other than a larger national debt!

    The worldwide government solution to the financial crisis is scary, lets fix a problem caused by out of control debt and bankers by putting ourselves into higher debt levels...

    woops, holy double post batman!
    I didnt even get a stupid $900 payment and I still have to pay for everyone elses. Not fair!



  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket36 View Post
    So you have no problem with a former Union Head with ties to the Communist party, and with no economic credentials running the country?

    Speaking clearly and with conviction doesn't mean you know what you're doing! Truth is, we need the grey men who KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING running our economy. Problem is they're all making millions in the private sector so why would they want to come back and fix Labor's mess a second time round?

    I agree whole heartidly here, my views pretty much exactly...

    Quote Originally Posted by ryana89 View Post
    I agree with spyda
    What was wrong with Kevin?
    He gave us money
    He bought a computer for us
    He gave us insulation for free

    Ive never seen any other polly do as many good things as him.
    Hang on isn't there a rule not to talk about politics on this forum

    Hey, don't forget the $900 bucks! It's almost like buying a pretty girl a big diamond ring to get in her pants, huh...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post
    This could get become a very messy thread, in no time at all.

    It's interesting to hear. Will make for an interesting next election, that's for sure!
    Haha agree'd! I'm sure everyone has strong political views, but to stop someone from getting possibly killed over this thread, i think some people should bite their tongue a bit.

    All I can say is, i'm concerned about possibilities for criminal offenses over poking fun at redheads...
    2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by static1800 View Post
    All those things he "gave" use have to be paid for by us in the end via taxes so he we didn't get anything other than a larger national debt!

    The worldwide government solution to the financial crisis is scary, lets fix a problem caused by out of control debt and bankers by putting ourselves into higher debt levels...

    woops, holy double post batman!
    So how would you have steered us through the gfc? Krudd kept ALOT of people in jobs especially manufacturing with his spending.
    We pay taxes whether the govt spends money or not and taxes haven't gone up under labour.

    Would you rather have a job and the country be in debt or not have a job and the country have $200bn in surplus?

    I voted krudd. Bummer to see him stand down
    Driving the coal. Low and rattly.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by killingwithasmile View Post
    So how would you have steered us through the gfc? Krudd kept ALOT of people in jobs especially manufacturing with his spending.
    We pay taxes whether the govt spends money or not and taxes haven't gone up under labour.

    Would you rather have a job and the country be in debt or not have a job and the country have $200bn in surplus?

    I voted krudd. Bummer to see him stand down
    It's not a matter of spending money or not spending it, It's a matter of correctly using it. By not blowing heaps of money putting everyone in more debt and making inflation go even worse, this is why we are in this situation.

    Putting the country in a huge lot of debt doesn't solve anything, sure taxes haven't gone up now but we all have to pay that money back somewhere.

    The current government hasn't done much other than spend money and propose all these wonderful things that they have never delivered on or "plan" to deliver in 3 years time.
    76 MkI 3 door - daily drive/project - 1.8 5speed
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  9. #19
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    The so called "stimulus" payments didn't need to be done to make it through the GFC. The MINING COMPANIES and serious foreign investment in Australia saw us through. And the Labor spin doctors don't want you to know or believe that so they can instead take credit for it. A better "stimulus" investment in Australia is to throw the money at small business. Make it cheaper for them to do business by cutting their taxes, or providing incentives to hire more staff. When small business booms, Australia booms. More people in jobs means more people to spend money - they don't need govt handouts to spend money. PLUS the money the govt spends on small business STAYS IN AUSTRALIA. So much of the "stimulus" went overseas and is in fact a huge waste!

    Bottom line, a monkey could have guided us through the GFC because of economic measures taken by the previous government and their solid economic management track record. Combined with the resources and foreign investment boom. We're LUCKY that was the case too. If not, Labor would have just turned Australia into a sinking ship. Instead, we're currently in the possition of having hit a big iceburg but we're currently able to bail more water than is rushing in to stay afloat. OK, not the best anaolgy... But as soon as investments in resources are pulled back and foreign investment and trade with Australia slows, watch us have another Labor "recession we have to have" all over again. We're in RECORD debt. Why? Because Labor is all about SPEND SPEND SPEND. Then TAX TAX TAX.

    I'm not even going to mention things like the billions wasted on school sheds, people killed as a direct result of the insulation program, the complete waste of time and money it was signing the Kyoto Treaty, letting boat loads of illegal immigrants land on our shores and putting them up at tax payer's expense, saying sorry "on behalf of a nation" (sorry Kev, not on behalf of me!) for something nobody alive had anything to do with (be sorry about it, but don't apologies for it)... And finally, the draconian proposed laws to limit what I see and how I use on the Internet.

    I really don't understand why so many people seem to be blind to the facts.
    Last edited by Rocket36; 24-06-2010 at 11:34 AM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    This was always on Gillards agenda dont believe otherwise
    libs will win the next one
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