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Thread: Never again will I buy a VW vehicle

  1. #1

    Never again will I buy a VW vehicle

    So, purchase a new 103TSI Highline in January this year, all good, lovely car, really loved it....until mid October when some nice a**hole loses part of his uncovered load on the Sydney-Newcastle Freeway at Mount White,, end result whatever crap it was, bounced up into th engine bay at 110kph going $6000 worth of damage.

    Not a problem I think, even though I can't identify the person at fault, I have insurance, AAMI sorted it all out.

    The problem is that $5000 worth of parts are all kept in Germany, 6 weeks later, still waiting for all of them to arrive. Level of care from VW Australia or the dealer - zero.

    So, when I do get it back, straight to another brand for a new car. So long VW.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by egsolomon View Post
    Really? Thats the best you can say.

    I gave VW the chance they deserve, but no parts and 6 week wait, and they still cannot say when, NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
    Egsolomon: bummer! I know it's little solace but these kind of road incidences happen! I totally understand your feelings about VW Aust. I've had my fair share of discussions with the inappropriately named "Customer (don't) Care" folk there. It's a real pity that such a good car is supported by such shabby after sales practices. Yours is just an individual jesture of complaint, but it adds to everyone else's angst. You should send VWA a email voicing your opinion (after you get the new parts of course)

    what car will you get next?
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #3
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    Best buy a pushbike then as you will find most imported car companies dont hold stocks of ALL parts for their cars.

    Maybe its because your insurance company wont pay airfreight for them and not VW's fault at all.

    AAMI are not known for their generosity in my experience but then none of the others probably are either
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  4. #4
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    The MK7 is still relatively new here, and if parts are ex-Germany, then yes, it'll take about 8 weeks. Volkswagen Group Australia can't be held responsible for the whole ordeal, and I think you're overreacting.

    Has the insurance company supplied you a courtesy car?
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Relatively new here? It's more than 18 months since the first shipment went on sale in Australia.

    I've had one for well over a year.

    Quite long enough for parts to be ex Sydney or Melbourne (or Singapore — which seems to be a popular place to hold stock these days.)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Best buy a pushbike then as you will find most imported car companies dont hold stocks of ALL parts for their cars.

    Maybe its because your insurance company wont pay airfreight for them and not VW's fault at all.

    AAMI are not known for their generosity in my experience but then none of the others probably are either
    I agree with HBilly you can't blame VWA totally. Give you insurer some stick for failing to act as well. Did you get a hire car for a period?
    Pity about your experience in this case. Do you like the car or not?

  7. #7
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    You bought a European car and you live in Australia man that's just the way it is!

  8. #8
    Insurance company supplied a car for two weeks, didn't have to, as no third party could be identified. AAMI have gone out of their way to expedite things, the road block has been VW, giving unrealistic dates for parts delivery, for example as I found today, steering rack wiring harness, promised three times to repairer and myself for latest delivery as Nov 16, now not being delivered until the 26th, they even admitted that they knew of the delay and didn't tell anyone.

    dont get me wrong, I love the car, I was even planning on upgrading to a GTI in the new year, I can accept some parts won't be in stock, but the customer service level in pathetic. No attempt to say sorry, or our fault, nothing.

    and here's the deal breaker, even though both AAMI and repairer specified new parts, VW sent wiring harness repair kits instead.

    its a shame that such a great car, is backed by such a bad spare parts supply, and an even worse customer support department.

  9. #9
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    Wiring harnesses are mega bucks, and apparently a 3 month wait, as they're made from scratch to order.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Lol somehow I don't see AAMI taking the option of a $2000 wiring loom over a couple of $1 crimp connectors...

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