I know this may sound a daft question but can you bring a car over from Tasmania to South Australia?
I have seen a car for sale there and wondered if there are any special rules i should know about.
Cheers in advance Rob.
I know this may sound a daft question but can you bring a car over from Tasmania to South Australia?
I have seen a car for sale there and wondered if there are any special rules i should know about.
Cheers in advance Rob.
TTline operate roll on/roll off passenger/vehicluar ferries ex Devonport (Tas) to Melbourne (day and night crossings). Perfect option for a small road trip/holiday.
Other options would be the commercial car freighting companies (if time is not on your side to fly to Tassie and drive back). Also, I would check with the Sth Australian Motor registration office (or equivalent) and determine your obligations and responsibilities in driving a newly purchased, Tasmanian registered vehicle from Tassie to SA (may also have to check with the Pricktorian authorities as well).
Bottom line is...process will not be onerous, just paper exercise.
A friend of mine moved from Tas to Adelaide and brought his car with him. The only thing that was needed as far as SA motor reg was an inspection to confirm the VIN/chasis # I.e. to make sure the car is the same one you say it is. Then, new plates and new reg (plus transfer fees). But that was a few years ago.
It's probably a bit different when you've just purchased it, but I guess if you've formally done the change of ownership in Tas before hand then it would be the same. It'd be worth checking out if there's a more direct (and probably cheap) way.
Hope this is even slightly helpful.
'76 Mk1 Golf - Gone!
'05 Mk5 2.0 FSI Sportline
Any car coming in from another state needs to go through Regency for an inspection to match up the numbers, pretty straight forward and not verty expensive.
What you looking at bringing over mate?
| MY15.5 Mk3 Octavia vRS TSI | DSG | Black Pack | H&R Springs | 18" BBS RSII |
Thanks for your info guys....
Lorenz, I have been looking for a T5 Multivan and theres one out there.
Its just an idea at the moment checking out the costs etc.
Thanks again Rob
Regency or Lonsdale for us Cockneys. Just an id check once you get it here Rob. You might be able to cash in the Tassie rego.
I have done 3 interstate buys, tinted windows has been the only sticking point. Had to cut the tint to get through the inspection, then get it re-applied.