Hey all,
Ive been back from a two week trip to Germany for about 3 weeks now and thought id upload some photos and talk about my trip.
The photos are on my Volkwerke facebook page (saves me uploading twice) but because im editing them i will seperate them into a few batches and speak about each as i upload them.

The first set is the Nurburgring, what can i say other that INSANE!. I was lucky enough to score Ring Taxi tickets and get a lap and it was worth the drive, unfortunatly due to scoring the tickets last minute we were in Ingolstadt when the lap was and its 500km or so each way to Nurburgring but with the autobahn's its not so bad.

Unique cars would be a charged vr6 mk2 and a 350whp (800whp capable) audi 80 quattro.

Volkwerke's Photos - Nurburgring | Facebook

the page should be public so you shouldn't have to be a facebook user.