talking to sony australia is like beating your own head into the pavement. i went down that path with both of my dslrs i got from them (that died might i add). the only interest sony has is with its self, it cares lil to nothing for there customers. so ive devised a small list as to which companies i buy from in future.
laptops - i will avoid laptops all together in future after bad dealings with toshiba , hp , sony (no surprise there), and hyper sonic (us based company that builds custom laptops ) of all laptops ive never had one last longer then 3 yrs (admitedly that was a toshiba )
desktops -ill build my own , its cheeper and at least you know your components are interchangable when you want to upgrade (im going to avoid dell at all costs, there power supplys and cases are built to go hand in hand and wont fit 3rd party products )
phones - ill go know where near cheep chinese phone products all together even if they are sold in a telstra shop , i wont buy motarolla after having 2 phones from them that have also died (bare in mind i absalutly baby my electrical goods , no rough treatment) , nokia is so far the only compay that has helped me with hand held replacments and actually helped me with product support and ive never owned a nokia that died,....ever ....i still have my original.
dslrs- thats easy canon or nikon , both have beautiful product support and products in general , ive never had a beef with either company. sony brough all there technology from minolta and are still playing the catch up game with every other imitation dslr.
when ever i buy a electrical product i read review after review, i dont buy willy nilly. yet time and time again i keep getting cheep inferior products that offer very little product support, or simply send you in that happy loop that telstra puts you in when they hand you from department to department till you just give up. what baffles me most is sony used to be a good compay that had awsome technical support? what the hell happened? honestly if more and more companies are heading this way , what the hell is going to happen to the consumers? ......... i hope we are all lubed up people cos i have a feeling in the future were all going to be bending over.
k ive had my rant and my winge for the day,...........oh and one more thing my microwave blew up yesterday

happy happy joy joy!
back on topic , i have contacted the company in your suggestion hawk, there located in vic , and seem to be not to bad to deal with . (time will tell)