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Thread: My excuse for missing DOVW...

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by static1800 View Post
    It is such an exact sport that you have to be mentally and to some extent physically fit to play well as it requires lots of concentration to play consistently.
    I have only played mini golf but that doesnt realy count. I do hope to play the game one day but it will be mainly for socialising with business types and a relaxing day.

    You dont have to be physically fit, take the fat guy who played pro with a smoke in his mouth. You can say a level of physical fitness, even if it is very little, is required to play well but not anywhere near the level needed to play soccer, basketball, tennis....even netball.

    I take it you have never played basketball? Give it a go. It requires speed, endurance, strenght, agility, concentration,the ability to think fast etc. Can you do all of thouse things, has golf taught you any of thouse things?

    Lets get something stright though, i understand it takes a great deal of skill to play golf, after all it is a bloody tiny ball on a masive bit of grass. You dont have to be very strong, you dont have to be very fast, you dont have to think fast, your body doesnt have to endure alot.

    Can you see what i am saying? If you cant then thats unlucky, ill just leave you with your delusion and hope that one day you can undertake a real sport without passing out.
    Last edited by Spyda; 19-11-2009 at 10:03 AM.
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  2. #42
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    LOL if you'd actually played Golf, you will realise how much strain swinging a club can do to your elbows, back and knees.

    no strength required?? Tiger is not one of the longest drivers of a golf ball for no reason. He might not be a ripped mofo like some of the pro basketballers, but he has strength.

    btw, i also play real sports like b-ball, soccer and tennis competitively. golf is a sport like all of them.
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  3. #43
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    You are comparing chalk and cheese Spyda and also I have played basketball I played pretty much every junior sport except baseball, started soccer when i was 5 and played indoor up until a couple of years and started racing when i was 15 etc.

    Also, any sport is also considered a game and you don't have to physically fit to play any sport but you might be good at a lot of them.

    But this is a silly argument that we are all having
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  4. #44
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    someone has a superiority complex



  5. #45
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    DAYAM....who woulda thought a couple of photos could cause all this!!

    Maybe this is why cameras were banned from the Masters...i shoulda read the fine print which states photos of golfers will start heated online debates and someone will get their feelings hurt! (not that anyone has)


    I play ball 2 nights a week still(at my advancing age) and occaisionly get out for a round or 2 of golf every now and again, so i can appreciate both sports.
    Golf is up there as a sport, all sport comes down to is skill...the ability to perform a skill better than someone else will get you higher/further in that chosen sport. Having better fitness will help you, but the higher skill level of someone helps more. Gripping the club to get the perfect shot for 18 holes is like using your arm/other muscles to steer a racing car...sure g's are different/non existent, but the skill level is there.
    The reason Tiger is so ahead of everyone else is cos of his crazy skill level and his fitness levels as well. He gets up 5am everyday, hits the gym at 5.30am everyday, even during tournaments. I reckon, his level of fitness will flow onto future players trying to make it big in the world of golf. The problem might be that they might lack the skill level of Tiger.

    Even John Daly is getting into the fitter is better for golf regime as shown by this recent pic of him. (NB:I don't intend to show this photo to cause further debate on the golf = sport)(woman with Long John Daly is his new fiance, ex Hooters manager...NICE!! ) Daly had lap band surgery.

    Now if you want to tackle GOLF = BAD FASHION SENSE..i'm with you on that one!!



    p.s. Charles Barkeley was a big fella, who used his weight well but also had alot of skill.. sweet shot.
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  6. #46
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    womens beach volleyball > any other sport.


  7. #47
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    <long sigh>

    Now to try and concentrate on work again....

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    someone has a superiority complex
    Makes for a good laugh though
    2000 Mk IV GTI

  9. #49
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    Even John Daly is getting into the fitter is better for golf regime as shown by this recent pic of him. (NB:I don't intend to show this photo to cause further debate on the golf = sport)(woman with Long John Daly is his new fiance, ex Hooters manager...NICE!! ) Daly had lap band surgery.

    Sounds alright doesn't it - drink beer, play golf, earn sh*t loads and your bird is an ex Hooters Manager!!

    i bet he has a nice car as well.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by geeza View Post
    Sounds alright doesn't it - drink beer, play golf, earn sh*t loads and your bird is an ex Hooters Manager!!

    i bet he has a nice car as well.
    And the only reason that she is porking him is because he is worth alot of money
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

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