DAYAM....who woulda thought a couple of photos could cause all this!!
Maybe this is why cameras were banned from the Masters...i shoulda read the fine print which states photos of golfers will start heated online debates and someone will get their feelings hurt!
(not that anyone has)
I play ball 2 nights a week still(at my advancing age) and occaisionly get out for a round or 2 of golf every now and again, so i can appreciate both sports.
Golf is up there as a sport, all sport comes down to is skill...the ability to perform a skill better than someone else will get you higher/further in that chosen sport. Having better fitness will help you, but the higher skill level of someone helps more. Gripping the club to get the perfect shot for 18 holes is like using your arm/other muscles to steer a racing car...sure g's are different/non existent, but the skill level is there.
The reason Tiger is so ahead of everyone else is cos of his crazy skill level and his fitness levels as well. He gets up 5am everyday, hits the gym at 5.30am everyday, even during tournaments. I reckon, his level of fitness will flow onto future players trying to make it big in the world of golf. The problem might be that they might lack the skill level of Tiger.
Even John Daly is getting into the fitter is better for golf regime as shown by this recent pic of him. (NB:I don't intend to show this photo to cause further debate on the golf = sport)(woman with Long John Daly is his new fiance, ex Hooters manager...NICE!! 
) Daly had lap band surgery.

Now if you want to tackle GOLF = BAD FASHION SENSE..i'm with you on that one!!
p.s. Charles Barkeley was a big fella, who used his weight well but also had alot of skill.. sweet shot.
The Fräulein: Black .:R36 Wagon...all boxes ticked!!
The German Mistress: 2001 Black B5 A4 1.8T