I have only played mini golf but that doesnt realy count. I do hope to play the game one day but it will be mainly for socialising with business types and a relaxing day.
You dont have to be physically fit, take the fat guy who played pro with a smoke in his mouth. You can say a level of physical fitness, even if it is very little, is required to play well but not anywhere near the level needed to play soccer, basketball, tennis....even netball.
I take it you have never played basketball? Give it a go. It requires speed, endurance, strenght, agility, concentration,the ability to think fast etc. Can you do all of thouse things, has golf taught you any of thouse things?
Lets get something stright though, i understand it takes a great deal of skill to play golf, after all it is a bloody tiny ball on a masive bit of grass. You dont have to be very strong, you dont have to be very fast, you dont have to think fast, your body doesnt have to endure alot.
Can you see what i am saying? If you cant then thats unlucky, ill just leave you with your delusion and hope that one day you can undertake a real sport without passing out.