They are just washers AFAIK Al.
They are just washers AFAIK Al.
They're locktabs more than washers yeah?
Lock up your bolt/nut/fastner then knock the side over to stop the bolt vibrating loose. This happened a lot on my brothers' old Alfasud. Sudden rattle, folled by the 'thump' when the driveshaft fell off...
Cheap, Fast, Reliable. Choose two.
Never seen them knocked over Stuwey, for one they are like 2.5mm thick and two the CV bolts are spline drive and the heads are round. You can't tell that from the photo though.
Joined to stop the washer turning as you tighten the nut/bolt??
Best plan Al is to just fit them and forget all about them.
Maybe to help prevent the head of each bolt shearing off? One strengthening the other?
Dunno, i understand what i mean.
It spread's the torque of the bolt head over a larger area? Than individual washers?
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