lol flighter, good one! (i really, really hope you were joking, right? that you thought i posted that comment about the finite 100m point?)
damn straight it's obfuscation. as for the card thing- i am actually considering trying this at home, like, a THOUSAND times.
the only problem is, folks, im more than happy to try it, but i dont understand how it will prove the 2/3 theory correct.
here's why: my sister will have three cards. she will show me one card that she KNOWS for a fact is NOT my card. now, why in the eff does the fact that she's simply showing me a card that she knows is a dud, lend itself to MY chances, especially when i know for a FACT that she must, as according to the riddle, show me a dud card anyway?
if im going to be doing this a thousand times, knowing that every time, she will be showing me a dud card first, because it's her function in the riddle, then, quite simply, knowing the outcome of the first card to be revealed as a consistently certain failure, im simply going to tell her not to bother displaying the first card to me-she HAS to show me a dud first card, we both know this, so why bother?
so, if we stop bothering with the first card, and she simply asks me if i want to switch the card i've pegged as mine from the remaining two, why the hell are we now bringing a third card into the game in THEORY as adding to the elements in probability, AND YET we're not even bothering to pick a third (first shown) card out of the deck because we both know that the rules say it has to be a failure?
so how are my chances 2/3 again? in real life? with a deck of cards? actually doing this for real? <<--- that was directed more in the general direction of everywhere/one.
hey schoona, the horny dude will never ever reach the try line. google asymptote hyperbola and f(x)=1/x.
you can get closer and closer and closer, but technically, you will never actually touch the goal line.