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Thread: Melb: Hailstorm

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Sydney, NSW
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    Quote Originally Posted by maca View Post

    Brisbane's had non stop rain for almost 3 weeks now.
    Does making light of what happened in Melbourne make anyone feel better, or help anyone?

    Yes, Brisbane's had a lot of rain lately, including flooding, but this storm in Melbourne was particularly and unusually brutal.
    Nothing to see here...

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manaz View Post
    Does making light of what happened in Melbourne make anyone feel better, or help anyone?

    Yes, Brisbane's had a lot of rain lately, including flooding, but this storm in Melbourne was particularly and unusually brutal.
    I had a chuckle...Mother nature is brutal and beautiful...**** happens.
    "If can't get behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them..."

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manaz View Post
    You're nuts. Go to NZ for a few weeks and get real snow, on real mountains!
    i know- that's what i plan to be doing this year- wanaka is on the cards for august.

    i've had enough of paying $1400 to be stupid every year, lol.

    any more damage reports from melbourne?

    the hail was solid enough for me to not go out/ let my dog outside whilst it was happening, and so far i cannot see any damage.....

    wish i didnt move around so much, i'd atleast have a car port.

  4. #24
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    Melbourne VIC
    Next door to work is a National windscreens.

    I arrived at work at normal time to see my carpark full, the street packed and tow trucks delivering cars.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Eastern Suburbs Melbourne
    my car got a few small indents. hardly noticable though. lucky!

    i like volkswagens
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  6. #26
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    Just washed car. total of 4 new dents.
    10 cent size one on roof.
    2 on top of door.
    1 on bonnet.

    Didn't notice them until I washed the car. Not happy, but having seen a neighbours car...I'm pretty lucky. There car's roof is literally like a golf ball. And its only a year old.
    Last edited by Driven Threads; 07-03-2010 at 04:49 PM.

  7. #27
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    Yea that storm was hell. I was parked in chapel st and thought my car was panels were going to look like golf balls. But all was good!!! Another storm is coming again right now.....not good.

  8. #28
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    Yeah i was just at gold class seeing a movie at karingal and my phone kept ringing and ringing.

    i ended up going out to answer it after about the 6th call and it was dad telling me to get the jetta undercover asap because it as going to get bad.

    So lucky enough i new there was a big tin shed over near the shopping complex where they wash cars. so i quickly rushed out and parked under it expecting it to hit, but luckily i managed to finish the movie and make it an hour home and locked it in the garage for the night.

    And guess what, it's just started to hit now.
    White Scirocco R
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  9. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Quote Originally Posted by anthony View Post
    I was frantic,as my Jetta was parked near Southern Cross station,and Spencer Street shopping centre,ex DFO,had to be closed down because of severe damage.
    I was dreading getting back to my car,but it seems ALL GOOD.
    Then took 3 hours to drive home a distance of 15 kilometers...
    What a day...
    See my post,am shattered.Am sure the Jetta will be written off.

    Will consult you all...should I get another Jetta,a Golf,Corolla Ultima or Honda Accord Euro ???
    These are what I am thinking about at the moment,heart broken though.
    And will b e poorer too...

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