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Thread: Mature Aged P1 with GTI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Mature Aged P1 with GTI

    I am hoping for some guidance or anyone who can shed some light on this issue.

    Upon gaining quotation for insurance, we have come to realisation that provisional drives are prohibited to drive high performance vechicles. We want to know if there are any exception to the RTA restrictions, she being a mature aged (31 year old) provisonal driver who has no previous criminal record has unknowingly purchanced a 05' Golf V GTi.

    We want to know what exactly we are have got ourself into.

    From what I understand she can have percession of the vehicle but illegal to drive on the road.

    also from our research there are vechicles which are equivalant or more powerful that are considered to be moderated performance vehicle on the RTA list. e.g. Passat 2.0t ,tiguan 2.0 t, volvo 2.5T and SAAb 2.5T and our almighty R32 was not on the high performance vehicle V6 ????

    Ultimately, worst case senario, we are prepared to sell the car but she dearly loves her first car.

    So any help would be greatful Thanks.
    Last edited by Soundofav6; 04-07-2010 at 09:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    i thought the rule was 175kw per tonne of car. there for small turbos or heavier turboed cars (such as GTI, 93 Aeros, VL turbos) could be driven as you have said

    Edit: Just saw you were in NSW, maybe different?

    Its not that the car is turbocharged on the Ps, as a pose to the power vs weight etc? in VIC they have just enforced no V8s or turbos for P platers (except some diesels etc), where as when i was on my Ps i could go on the power to weight ratio as above.

    Hope it all works out, that wouldn't be a nice situation to be in!
    Last edited by dylan8; 04-07-2010 at 09:07 PM.
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  3. #3
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    that I do not know, the GTi is not on the RTA "exception guidline"

    Thanks dylan.

    Well.... any GTI parents with P plate drivers ??

  4. #4
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    Probably best to call the RTA and see what they say
    Mk IV Golf GTI - BMP - GIAC chip, R32 wheels, KW coilovers, rear swaybar.
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    I've never been a big fan of rotors, or really Japanese cars in general, so my choice would have to be..... an RX-8.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speed View Post
    Probably best to call the RTA and see what they say
    Yeah I'd be calling - and make sure you ask them about age exceptions. I vaguely remember reading on the rta website something about p platers over 25 being exempt from some performance car restrictions.
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  6. #6
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    Details are here: P1 and P2 vehicle and passenger conditions

    I can't see anything about being over 25 except for passengers.

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  7. #7
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    There is nothing that says anything about excemptions for over 25s ! we knew that from the begining.

    Anyhow, she is applying for an excemption today.....

    If I realised sooner I would not have gone throught with this all. what a nightmare !

  8. #8
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    You are kind-of screwed - especially as you own 2 cars.

    1) Your P1 driver should have known about the restrictions as it's a road rule & they are supposed to know the rules.

    2) Sometimes you can get an exemption if the turbo-car is the only available vehicle in the family but as you have an R32, she will have to drive that & you will have to have the GTI. Yes, it's ridiculous.

    3) You can make an application for exemption to the RTA but it's easier for a public servant to stick to the letter of the law rather than the intent of the law. Therefore, they will probably reject your application.

    4) Yes, the list is stupid. If you'd ever met the people that put together these lists & asked them about motor cars, you'd understand why it makes no sense.

    I think you will find that all the vehicles you listed (Passat 2.0T, Volvo 2.5T, etc) are all diesels. Turbo diesels are exempt.

    You've probably read the following but maybe not: Prohibited Vehicles list, Prohibited 6 cylinder vehicles, turbos that you might get away with (Golf GTI isn't there), exemption application

    I can understand that your partner might be a slightly better risk than some 18 year old bimbo but given how a lot of (near) middle aged women drive, I'd like her to have a bit more experience before driving a vehicle that is marketed as a "performance car". The fact that she wasn't aware of the rules pertaining to her licence level makes me wonder how many other rules she doesn't know.

    edit: Dumb question & I'm sure it's just bad wording, how do you unknowingly purchase a Golf GTI
    Last edited by brad; 05-07-2010 at 08:31 AM.
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  9. #9
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    the power restrictions only apply to under 25's in qld. Guess it must be different in NSW though. Pull off the gti badges >=]

  10. #10
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    There are some creative ways around the restriction categories in NSW - not that I am suggesting that you do that.

    Did you know if a company owns/registers/insures a car that is 'restricted' and the P1/P2 driver is an employee/director of that company - then they are able to drive that car without restriction?

    Or you can write a letter stating your case asking for exemption.

    Best of luck!!

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