hey mate... i dont know the first thing about fishing, other than getting snagged on rocks, but check out technorati.com and in the search bar, instead of ''posts'', click ''blog''...
that might ''net'' some results, har har har!
good luck!
hey guys, im lookign for a decent fishing forum to be active on, can anyone suggest?
also looking for more fishing buddies, any one?
hey mate... i dont know the first thing about fishing, other than getting snagged on rocks, but check out technorati.com and in the search bar, instead of ''posts'', click ''blog''...
that might ''net'' some results, har har har!
good luck!
search ausfish forums
Give Fishing Buddy Network a go, it is still relatively new but they are a helpful lot.
Have you tried TackleBox.com.au - Australia's Premier Fishing Forum ?